Department of Music


  1. To promote interest and develop skills in music so that students can have balanced development.
  2. To nurture aesthetic sensitivity and cultural understanding in order to cultivate positive values and attitude.
  3. To develop creativity, the ability to appreciate music and to effectively communicate through music.
  4. To gain enjoyment and satisfaction through participating in various music activities.


Details of Program Plan:

  1. ACT curriculum  

S.1 – My composer (Cross-KLA Reading Scheme)

S.2 – Music and Nature (Group project and presentation)

S.3 – My Music (Production of music video and presentation)

  1. Po Leung Kuk Music Quality Circle Assessment & Award Scheme
  2. Morning assembly performance
  3.  “One art in one life” Scheme: School Choir, instrumental classes, Orchestra,  Chinese Orchestra, Handbell Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble and A Cappella
  4. Life-wide learning day – African Drum Arena  
  5. School Cultural Day concerts
  6. Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra educational concerts