Study Tour on the Science & Technology Development in the Greater Bay Area (II)

Another 3 classes of our Form 2 students visited Nan Sha during the Lifewide Learning Day in May to learn more about the Science & Technology Development in the Greater Bay Area. Students visited corporations in the industry of biotechonology and car manufacturing to see how science and technology are applied in real life. They also took a ride on a driverless taxi to experience how technology has advanced in a smart-city design.

Students visit various museums and companies on the tour to learn about the latest development in science and technology in the Greater Bay Area.
Students are learning about how stem cell technology is applied in the daily life.
Students also learn about waste recycling and management in the Nansha region.
Students enjoy taking the driver seat on the new cars on display in the GAC Museum.
Having a big feast together with peers is certainly an enjoyable moment on the tour!