School Events

PLK Charity Walk

In order to raise funds for further strengthening the multi-faceted services, the Annual Charity Walk was organized by Po Leung Kuk on Saturday, 23 February 2019. The whole school were excited about the event. Beautiful props and decorations stood around. It was an honorable and enjoyable moment for all students and teachers.

Students were walking to the venue.

SFC-JSC Alumni Sharing Session 2019

A SFC-JSC alumni sharing session was conducted on 22nd February, 2019. Around 28 SFC students representing different elective subjects shared the information, opinion and factors for consideration with S3 students in JSC about their studies, elective choices and transitioning to life after entering SFC.

Thematic Knowledge Enrichment Talk - Liberal Studies

In order to let students have a deeper understanding about what they have learnt in the Liberal Studies lessons regarding the topic 'Election', our school has arranged a thematic knowledge enrichment talk for all Form 2 students.

The speaker invited students to participate in a voting activity.

S3 Personal Growth Training Camp

The 2-day-1-night Personal Growth Training Camp for F.3 students was held in Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp from 17th to 18th February. The training camp provides ample opportunities for students to enhance their personal development. There are various team building tasks and fieldtrip challenges to raise the leadership ability, team spirit and resilience. A follow-up day camp will be held in late June to better equip students for their senior secondary school life.

Students are trying to pull their friends up to sit on the log.

Rich Kid, Poor Kid Financial Management for Teens by Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Department of Business Accounting held a school talk "Rich Kid, Poor Kid Financial Management for Teens" on 22nd February 2019. Around 60 S.3 students participated in the school talk. The talk was mainly concerned about students' idea about money and financial concerns. Guest speaker from Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants delivered the financial concerns to students by scenario drama videos, videos about street interviews, presentations and a Q&A session. Students felt interested in the talk.

Interaction between the guest speaker and students during the talk.

English Ambassador - English Social Project Workshop

With the generous support and guidance from the European Mentoring and Coaching Council and GENSUS, '5-in-5 program' kicked off with our enthusiastic English Ambassadors in school in mid February. The programme comprises of a series of workshops introducing a brand new concept 'Design Thinking'. The aim is to guide English Ambassdors to create social projects to help the peer and primary students in Hong Kong to learn English. It was an exciting start and we hope to see them grow with self-confidence and self-worth.

The teacher was introducing a new concept called Design Thinking to our English Ambassadors.

New Era of the Design and Technology Department

Since our school embraces new technology and knowledge to provide our students with the aptitude skills and adaptability that will ensure they are capable of tackling and moulding tomorrow's world.

Students work individually or in teams to design, build and test robots, drawing on scientific curiosity and, for many, the love of gadgets and programming. There is scope to enter a number of robotics competitions.
