School Events

The Exhibition Match of “The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow”

The Chinese Debate Team organized an exhibition match on the topic of "The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow" during the assembly session on 1 June. The activity aims at developing the analytic and logical ability of the students and building up students' confidence and language skills. The exhibition match was so successful that all teachers and students enjoyed it very much.

The members of Chinese Debate Team are ready for the exhibition match.

2016-2017 Inter-House Badminton Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony

The Inter-House Badminton Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at the school hall during the morning assembly on 9 June, 2017.

The Competition was held from 23 May to 25 May in the school hall and the results are:

2nd Runner Up:House Kabarda

1st Runner Up: House Pegasus

Champion:House Leopard

We wish them all every success in the coming days.

The representatives of House Leopard were awarded The Champion by our Vice Principal Ms. Siu.

“Community Art Map” Visual Arts Publishing Scheme

Our school is chosen to be the representative school of Sham Shui Po District for the "Community Art Map" Visual Arts Publishing Scheme by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

Our Arts Ambassadors-in-School(Visual Arts) finished the creation of two "Community Art Map" of Meifoo. The theme is "See through the world from our community" and "Census of stationary shops in our community". Our artworks will be published in the book by HKADC and will be exhibited in July,2017.

The "Community Art Map" team members took a group photo after finishing the two "Community Art Map" of Mei Foo.

Discipline and Moral training course of Class 1C, 1D and 1K

In order to promote a sense of national, moral and civic awareness of our students, a discipline and moral training course was held on 26 May for Classes 1C, 1D and 1K students. Through the activities, students gained valuable experiences.

A short briefing session before the training.

3D Printing Review and 3D Printing Course

The 3D Printing Competition Review and the 3D Printing Course was held in the HKPC Building on 1 April, 2017 and 17 April, 2017 respectively.

Our students presented their 3D Printing Building to the judges in the 3D Printing Competition Review. They also learnt about the details of designing a building and the Judging Criteria of the competition during the 3D Printing Course.

The 3D Printing Competition Schedule is shown to all the participants.

Harrow International School Hong Kong Invitation Weekend (Sports)

On a sunny Saturday in mid May, English Language Club members visited Harrow International School Hong Kong to take a physical challenge with Harrow coaches and students from other schools. Harrow coaches were patient to guide our members to play rugby and tennis. All members enjoyed taking part in different sports activities and they had a fruitful weekend.

Group photo with rugby coaches after the rugby games

Joint-school TSA Training (Apr 2017)

A Joint-school English TSA Mock Oral Practice was conducted in Po Leung Kuk Mrs Chan Nam Cheong Memorial Primary School on 29 April,2017. 18 S.3 student helpers from our school took part in this activity. Our student helpers acted as examiners to give all the Primary 6 students a mock oral practice.
