School Events

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2016 Open Day

Twenty four students had an informative and fun day at PolyU on Saturday 8th October. Tours included visiting the new Jocky Club Innnovation Tower as well as Hotel Icon to find out about the hospitality industry.

Happy students complete their evaluation forms while hotel diners look on.

'Stand by me" Tea Time Gathering

A tea time gathering between teachers and S.1 students organized by the Discipline & Counseling Committee was held on 30th September, 2016 (Thursday). Both the teachers and the students had a great chance chatting with each other in a relaxing atmosphere.

The students share their happiness with their teacher.

Basic Law Quiz

The aim of the Basic Law Quiz is to raise awareness and enhance understanding of the Basic Law among students.

Students were introducing the rules of the quiz.

InnoTech Expo 2016

InnoTech Expo 2016 has the full support of 4 government ministries/departments led by the Ministry of Science & Technology and the participation of more than 10 leading scientific research institutions from the Mainland. Innovation and Technology Bureau and Education Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government, as well as Education & Technology Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong SAR have also shown their support.

All students took a photo together.

Pegasus House AGM 2016-2017

The Annual General Meeting of Pegasus House was held in Room 508 after school on 20 September, 2016. The House captain and committee members introduced themselves. Besides, the coming activities were also highlighted by committee members during the meeting. Many House members enrolled for various House activities afterwards.

The chairman was introducing Pegasus House to the members.

Kabarda House AGM 2016-2017

The Annual General Meeting of Kabarda House was held in the Student Activity Room G03 on 20 September, 2016. We are glad to see that the committee members were well-prepared for the AGM. There will be many house activities this year. We hope that all house members will enjoy and participate actively in the activities.

House committee members were well-prepared for the AGM.

Promoting Kuk's spirit

Fun game activities has been organized on 9th September, 2016 during lunch recess to promote the "Kuk's spirit". Students participated in different game stalls held by PCCC enthusiastically.

Students have a better understanding of the Kuk's spirit through playing the games.
