School Events

Food Additives and Food Labelling Talk

A talk titled "Food Additives and Food Labelling" was held on April 9, 2024, during the assembly, by the Living Technology Department. A speaker from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department was invited to share knowledge about food additives and food labelling with our Form 2 students. Quiz games were conducted during the talk, and the students provided positive and valuable feedback.

The speaker is sharing knowledge about food labelling with our students.

Busking @ TNK

To promote positive thinking and enhance the caring and loving atmosphere at school, a busking activity was held on January 30, 2024, during lunch recess at the covered playground. The activity was organized by school workers and Discipline and Guidance Committee (DGC), in collaboration with the Boy's and Girls' Clubs Association (BGCA). The busking group "Garden Biscuits" was invited to perform encouraging songs for the students, and our students and teachers also joined in the busking performance.

The busking group "Garden Biscuits" was invited to perform encouraging songs for the students.

Retreat Day

In order to help students relax, learn how to manage emotions, and strengthen class cohesion, Retreat Day was held on February 23, 2024. Art and craft workshops, class activities, the Sims Game, and a resilience talk were organized on that day. It proved to be a fruitful day for both students and teachers.

Student enjoy the art and craft workshop so much.

2nd Joint School Swimming Gala

The 2nd Joint School Swimming Gala was held at Kowloon Park Swimming Pool on 22nd February 2024. 2B TAM JUN NGAI MAVERICK and 3F LAM TSZ YEUNG Y Y won the Individual Champion in Boys Junior Grade and Boys Senior Grade respectively. 1C HSU WAN HEI WALLIS won the Individual Champion in Girls Open Grade. Pegasus won the House Overall Champion. Congratulations!

Assistant Principal is giving a speech.

SCIENCE IS THE NEW POWER Popular Science Talk in Schools Tour: Hong Kong

On March 25, 2024, iFlytek partnered with Bauhinia Magazine and Po Leung Kuk to bring the science seminar "Science Is The New Power" to Hong Kong campuses for the first time. The aim was to inspire respect for science and promote scientific exploration among young people.

After an address by Miss Jenny Tam, Vice-Chairman of Po Leung Kuk, and Dr. Tao Xiaodong, the representative of the organizer and Chairman of XunFei Healthcare, Dr. Dawei Ma delivered a speech titled "Starting from the 2021 and 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry" to more than 300 students from Po Leung Kuk's 12 secondary schools. The students benefited greatly from the seminar.

Dr. Dawei Ma took a group photo with all the participants.

2023-2024 Charity Bazaar cum CoolSTEAMaker Festival

In order to provide a platform for students to showcase their talents in STEAM, the Maker Fortnight was held in early March, followed by the Charity Bazaar cum CoolSTEAMaker Festival on 9th March 2024. Although the weather was cloudy, it was a perfect day for students to display their talents! Different STEAM related competitions, displays of artworks, game booths,workshops, hands-on activities and game stall were hosted by teachers and students. Students learnt how to solve problems and communicate with others when setting up and running various booths.

Principal Wong shows students how to control a robot in dynamic and unstructured environments.

Exploration vehicle "Future Mission - Career Explorer"

In order to help young people explore more careers, the Careers Guidance Committee invited a big vehicle "Future Mission - Career Explorer" to visit our school on 19 March 2024. Students enjoyed the VR games, mini games and exhibition of different careers.

Exploration vehicle "Future Mission - Career Explorer"

S1 Service Learning Talk

The Moral Civic and National Education Committee held a Service Learning Talk for Form 1 students on March 5,2024. The purpose of the lecture to cultivate students sense of social responsibility and belonging, and to encourage them to show care and love for the elderly.

Students listen attentively in the lecture.

A Visit to VTC Open Day for S3 Students

In order to help S3 students learn more about the post-secondary exits and course content of Vocational Training Council, the Careers and Guidance Committee organized a visit to the VTC for Class D, E, and F students on March 1, 2024. All students enjoyed the visit and learned more about different careers, broadening their horizons, which will help them make decisions regarding further studies.

Students were attentively listening to the speaker introducing the Fondant Cake.
