School Events

Cross-School Reading Carnival

This Reading Carnival was about a passion for reading and a passion for protecting the environment of Planet Earth. Students met authors who have been moved by passion for the environment to write a book or to take action to make the world a better place. Besides, students from different schools set up exhibitions or market stalls to share ideas between schools and students.

Students engage themselves in further reading activities related to the environmentin the workshop.

2C Community Service

Students from 2C and the kids from Po Leung Kuk Kindergarten enjoyed the session on 9th and 16th May, 2015. Students designed different games and English activities for the kids and students implemented their plan on the service dates. Students of 2C learnt how to design a suitable activity program as well as how to interact with kids while the kids enjoyed participating in different games and activities.

Students and kids are pairing-up and acquainted with each other.

The Plastic Runner of the Creativity Fortnight

In the Creativity Fortnight, there was the Plastic Runner co-organized by the Geography Department, History Department, Chinese Department, Putonghua Department and English Department. The Form 1, Form 2 and Form 3 students joined the activities on 23rd March, 19th March and 17th March respectively.

The students are glad to find the first bottle near the locker.

Creativity Fortnight - Music Department : Create your own 'Green' musical instruments

The Creativity Fortnight was held from 16 to 27 March, 2015. In order to echo the main theme of the activity: Green For Future, an inter-class competition was held by the Music Department on 26 March.

Each class was asked to create their own musical instruments using recycled materials and to perform their own music in the hall at lunch.

Everyone was surprised by the creativity of the students and the musical instruments they created. The performances were entertaining and enjoyable.

Students were performing with their musical instruments.

Experience EMI Learning Day

Experience EMI Learning Day was held on 28th March, 2015 (Saturday). P.5 and P.6 students were invited to have the lesson experience with the use of English as the medium of instruction. Besides the EMI lesson experience (Mathematics, Geography and History), there were also environmental protection activities and English activities for students to join. The participants enjoyed the day a lot.

Students are now having the Mathematics lesson.

Healthy Diet and Food Labelling Game Booths

In order to arouse students' awareness of the nutrition, healthy diet and food labels, three game booths were set up by eighteen 2P students for the Home Economics Department. Three groups of students started to prepare for the booths from early February. They went through the whole process of preparing for different stages like designing the booth, planning the schedule, preparing materials needed, joining all stuff together and running the games.

2B Community Service

Students from 2B and the kids from Po Leung Kuk Kindergarten enjoyed the session on 28th March, 2015. Students designed the warm-up games and English learning activities for the kids and implemented their plan on the service date. Students of 2B learnt how to care for the kids and how to interact with them while the kids enjoyed playing games and learning English vocabulary in a fun way.

Students are listening to the briefing attentively.
