School Events

VTC and CIC Visit

In order to help S3 students know more about the post-secondary 3 exits and course content of the vocational training institutes, the Careers and Guidance Committee organized a visit to the VTC Kowloon Bay Complex and the Construction Industry Resource Centre. Around 40 students went there on 1 March 2019. They could know more about the requirements and details of the programs offered which helped make their decisions on further studies.

Student helpers of Engineering are showing some demonstration to the students.

A Parents’ Talk and Tea-time Gathering

In order to enhance the parent-child relationship and let parents know more about the techniques in developing teenagers' positive psychology, a talk was delivered by Mr. Pang Chi Wah, a registered clinical psychologist, on the Parents' Day (3rd March 2019). A sharing session and a tea-time gathering was held after the talk.

Mr. Pang was delivering the talk.

CGC: JA It’s My Business!

JA It's My Business! This program was held on 23 Feb 2019 which offered students a valuable opportunity to learn from successful entrepreneurs. Under the guidance of business volunteers, students learned about different marketing strategies and how to develop a business through this program.

Students were learning about various marketing strategies in the classroom.

The Joyful Fruit Week Prize Presentation

The SU Joyful Fruit Week Prize Presentation was held on 5th March 2019. Class 3E, 3B and 1K had the highest participation rate during the Joyful Fruit Week. They received a basket of fruits as the present. Also, three students got the prizes in the lucky draw.

Class 3E, 3B and 1K had the highest participation rate during the Joyful Fruit Week.

The Joyful Fruit Week 2018-2019

The SU Joyful Fruit Week was held from 25/2/2019 to 1/3/2019. During the week, our students enjoyed tasting the fruits, knowing more about different fruits and participating in the exciting booth games in the school hall. They were all very happy to have a chance to taste different fruits.

The general knowledge competition about fruits was held in the morning assembly.

New IT facilities in school library

Upon the renovation of our school library, new IT facilities have been adopted. New facilities include book RFID sensor, security system, high quality presentation tools and library operating system software. Before the operation of the new library, student helpers spent so much effort in the installation of RFID chips. The chips, reader together with the new operating system software facilitates much efficient borrowing and returning procedure. It tremendously dimishes the workload of school librarians and teachers.

New library operating system and book RFID sensor.

SFC Leadership Training Day Camp

SFC Leadership Training Day Camp was held on 25th February, 2019. 40 students from PLKTNKJSC had a day camp in Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T.Chong Sixth Form College. They had leadership training through activities prepared by the Sixth Form College students. Students from both schools developed friendship.

Second Term Book Fair (2018-2019)

The second term book fair was organized by the school library from 28 February to 1 March. We aimed at cultivating reading habits among students and establishing atmosphere of reading at school. Different kinds of books were displayed, such as fiction, novel and biography etc. Students could enjoy and read the books that they like. The book fair was a great success since many students came and participated in the event.

It’s great to find an interesting book and share with friends.
