School Events

Form 3B Community Service

The students from Form 3B and the elderly from Mei Foo Elderly Centre enjoyed a memorable sharing session during the activity held on 13th March, 2015. Students shared their experience of using smart phones while the elderly shared their personal stories as well as the skills of playing origami.

The elderly are sharing their difficulties in using smartphones.

Term 2 Round 1 Competition of Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition

On 12th March, 2015, we participated in the Term 2 Round 1 Competition of Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition on the motion that 'Hong Kong should reduce its number of public rubbish bins by at least 50%.' The opponent team was HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College. We were speaking against the motion. One of our debaters, Sophia Yuen of F. 3A, was awarded the best debater.

Our debating Team members are deep in thought for their speech.

3A Community Service

The students and the elderly from Mei Foo Elderly Centre enjoyed a memorable sharing session during the activity held on 6th March, 2015. Students shared their experience of using smart phones while the elderly shared their personal stories as well as the sharing of the origami skills.

Students are introducing the program objectives and program rundowns

Joyful Fruit Week

The school organized the Joyful Fruit Week which was run from 9-13th February. Student Affairs Committee provided varieties activities and games during the whole week. Students could learn more about the types of fruit and the nutrition fruit provides through the games and activities.

One of the good place to take photos during joyful fruit week.

A guided tour of the Civil Aviation Department

A group of students visited the Civil Aviation Department Education Path on February 7, 2015. Besides having a good time, they had a chance to learn about the career path of an air traffic controller.

Group photo 1

Basic Law Forum Filming Activity

Our school was invited to participate in the Basic Law forum filming activity on 16th February, 2015. The EDB, the organiser, filmed the discussion of the Basic Law among students (including photo-taking and shooting) in cooperation with the production house during the activity. The video will be developed into learning and teaching resources and uploaded onto the websites of the EDB after editing.

10 students joined the Forum which was held to make learning and teaching pack by filming the whole process of the forum. Students had to read Chapter 1, 4 and 6 of the Basic Law and prepare some questions to ask before attending the forum.

Mock Trial - Justice Education Project

This year, our school joined the "Mock Trial - Justice Education Project", which was organised by The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong. We hope that students can understand the capabilities and limitations of law on the protection of our right and fulfillment of social duties during the activity.

Students are discussing the cases with the lawyer during the training session.

Stand By Me Tea Time Gathering (Second Term)

A tea time gathering was held by the Discipline & Counseling Committee on 6th February, 2015 (Friday). All S1 students had a good chance for an informal chat with their mentors in a relaxed atmosphere.

1P students are having an enjoyable time with Ms. Roberts.
