School Events

First Term Book Fair (2019-2020)

The first term book fair was organized by the school library on 13 November. We aimed at cultivating reading habits among students and establishing reading atmosphere at school. Different kinds of books were displayed, such as fictions, novels and a biography etc. Students could enjoy and read the books that they like. The book fair was a great success since many students came and participated in the event.

The girl is reading in the book fair.

Halloween fever has spread around the school and students were enthusiastically gearing up for the celebrations that culminated on November 5.

The annual English Department Halloween party is one of the most popular events on the school calendar. This year's event fell on Tuesday, November 5. The school hall was transformed and students enjoyed a lunch recess of fun-filled spookiness! A group of ghosts, spirits, witches and dinosaurs walked in the school hall instead of students. The spooky atmosphere however didn't scare away the fun. Creative costumes, music, games, and - of course - the candy guessing game was the highlight of the event.

The students had a wonderful day wearing their costumes and participating in various activities during lunch recess in the hall.  Happy Halloween!

The 16th Annual General Meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association

The 16th Annual General Meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association was smoothly held on 8th November 2019 (Friday) evening. Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, gave a welcome speech which expressed his sincere appreciations to the Association for arranging remarkable activities and cooperating with School on many events and occasions last year. The Chairperson of the 15th PTA, Ms. Kitty Tam presented the Annual Report and the Financial Report. The report of Ms.

The PTA holds an Annual General Meeting each year which all parents and teachers are invited to attend.

Prize Presentation of the "Create Your District" Competition 2019

This competition was organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. Our Form 3 students proposed to renovate a building complex that is next to K11 into a museum-cum-youth hostel. Their proposal got the Merit Award in the competition, and the prize presentation was held on 2 Nov, 2019.

Chatting with Principal During Free Reading Session

All S.3 students are invited to have a conversation with the principal about the school life and school policies. Five groups have finished so far and the remaining groups will take turn to chat with the principal in the coming months.

3E Group 1 had an interesting and interactive chat with the principal.

CGC Careers Talk

We’re pleased to invite a social worker from Hok Yau Club to conduct a career talk for our students on 4 November 2019. The topic is about life planning. The guest speaker explained how, why and what the life planning is, he also emphasized the importance of implementing our plan.

The guest is talking about life planning.

Theme of October and November (2019) in School Library – Chinese History and Culture

In order to enhance the reading atmosphere in school, the library prepares a series of themed activities every two months. The theme of October and November in 2019 is “Chinese History and Culture”. The library has prepared many books which are suggested by the Education Bureau and an activity for students in the first month. On 10 October, the library prepared some Chinese Two-Part Allegorical Sayings for students to pair-up the two parts of Sayings. Students enjoyed the activity and won many presents with their friends.

The books may be useful for pairing-up the two parts of Sayings.
