School Events

"Create Your District" Competition 2018

In this competition organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, our team of Form 3 students proposed to renovate Wan Chai Building, a building with almost 60 years of history, into a museum-cum-youth hostel. Under the plan, our students would like to re-create the old Wan Chai in the building by displaying old pictures of Wan Chai in a gallery and inviting old chefs of historic local restaurants to operate again in the building. Their proposal was chosen as one of the finalists in the Competition.

Students joined a guided tour led by a practising surveyor in order to know more about the urban planning in Wan Chai area.

Reality Show: Travel Expert Challenge (Beijing)

Two Form 3 students, Chan Lun Siu and Chan Wang San, represented the school in the Travel Expert Challenge (Beijing), a reality show featuring 8 schools from Hong Kong and Macau. They joined a 5-day tour to Beijing with the production crew, in which they visited famous local tourist spots and experienced the newly opened High Speed Rail from Hong Kong to Beijing. In the competition, our students overcame teams of senior students from different schools, capturing Second in the overall competition and coming Third in the presentation skills award.

Students are congratulated by the host, famous actor, Mr. Lau Shek-yin, on getting the 2nd Prize in the competition.

Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macau-Taiwan Youth Football Competition 2018

In order to broaden students' horizons, our school football team participated in the 'Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macau-Taiwan Youth Football Competition 2018' organized by the Chinese People's Consultative Conference Guangzhou Committee on 27th and 28th September.

Sixteen teams from Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan joined this football competition!

InnoTech Expo 2018

In order to let students know more about the development of Science and Technology, an outing to InnoTech Expo 2018 was held for members of Science Club on 29th September 2018. Students showed their keen interest during the visit and they enjoyed the visit with teachers very much.

Students and teachers had lots of fun in the InnoTech Expo. They enjoyed it very much.

House AGMs

In order to enrich the school life of our students, House AGMs were held on 26th September, 2018. We hope that all students enjoyed it.

House Kabarda members were having House AGM in the school hall.

S.1 Sun Fun Day Camp (1C,1D,1K)

The S.1 Sun Fun Day Camp(1C,1D,1K) was held on 20th September, 2018. Students had a nice day with their class teachers and social workers in Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp.

Students enjoyed the activities so much.

S2 Assembly - Healthy Campus Scheme

A talk named "Traps in Making Friends" was given to all Form two students under the Healthy Campus Scheme. All students were paying attention to the speaker.

The speaker was talking about some traps teenagers may face while making friends on the Internet.

S3 Parents' Night - 28th Sept 2018

In order to foster a closer co-operation and better communication between parents and school, we held S.3 Parents' Night in the school hall from 7:00p.m. to 8:30p.m. on 28th September. S.3 parents were cordially invited to attend this important event in order to meet our Principal and Committee Heads and discuss their child's progress with the class teachers.

Student MCs introduce the committee heads.
