School Events

The 2017/2018 Alumni, Teachers and Students Games

The 2017/2018 Alumni, Teachers and Students Dodgeball Games and Board Games and was held to maintain and promote unity and fellowship among the graduates, teachers and current students. The activity was held in the school hall and Geography Room. The participants enjoyed the friendly competition very much.

The Soccer Game was held at the football pitch of Sycamore Playground, Tai Kok Tsui. More than 30 football players took part and they enjoyed the chance to compete against each other in the friendly match.

All the football players and alumni representatives are posing for a photo together.

Closing Ceremony of 2017-18

The 2017-2018 Closing Ceremony was held at our school hall on 11 July, 2018. The ceremony started with National Flag raising, school song singing and opening address by Principal Wong, followed by presentation of awards, vote of thanks given by our student representative and music performance. This year, over 160 students were awarded with different prizes: scholarships, prizes in subjects and conduct, outstanding awards in STEM, music, arts, sports and other areas.

Our scout team was raising the national flag to start the ceremony.

A Parent’s Talk and Joint-school Sharing Session and Tea-time Gathering

In order to enchance the parent-child relationship and let parents understand more about the techniques in educating teenagers, a talk was delivered by Ms. Ho Nim Chee, a registered clinical psychologist, on the Parents' Day (8th July 2018). A sharing session and a tea-time gathering was held after the talk.

Parents were concentrated during the talk.

Guangzu Middle School Study Tour

14 students had an exchange study tour to Shenzhen on 4-5 July 2018. They visited Guangzu Middle School, our sister school, and shared their experience in different lessons with students in Shenzhen. Our students joined lessons and had a wonderful time with them.

We took photos at the school entrance.

2017-2018 Joint School STEAM Motorboat Competition

The 2017-2018 Joint School STEAM Motorboat Competition was successfully organized on 5 July, 2018. As the organizer of the competition, we also invited 7 other secondary and primary schools to join the activity. They are :

1) Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School of Miu Fat Buddhist Monastery

2) PLK Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial College

3) PLK Tang Yuk Tien College

Go! Go! Go! The motorboat was quick and stable!

The 2017-2018 Second Term Uniform Test Prize Presentation Ceremony

The 2017-2018 Second Term Uniform Test Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at the school hall during the morning assembly on 1 June, 2018.

The First, second and third place of each form are:

Form3: 3A Huang Jie Hao, 3E Lai Gabbiel, 3E Wong Tsz Yeun

Form2: 2E Ho Lok Man, 2E Lau Ho Lung, 2A Tsoi Yat San

Form1: 1E Wong Ho Long Bibiane, 1E Tso Mang Tung Jacky, 1C Chan Hok Hin

Huang Jie Hao from class 3A was awarded the First Position in S.3 by the Principal.

Oxfam Musical Marathon 2018

The school Percussion Team has joined the Oxfam Musical Marthon 2018 on 21 April, 2018 (Saturday). Students had a great performance at the Maritime Square in Tsing Yi. It was a nice and meaningful experience for all our percussion team members.

The students practised before the performance.
