School Events

CGC University Visit : the City University of Hong Kong (Oct 2017)

In order to let students have a better life planning, the Career Guidance Committee has invited students to visit the City University of Hong Kong on 14 October, 2017. All the participants enjoyed the visit and they were able to know more about the university school life.

Students are looking forward to visiting the City University of Hong Kong.

School Tenpin Bowling Championships (Demonstration & Course)

11 students joined the School Tenpin Bowling Championships (Demonstration & Course) organised by the Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress. It was a great experience for all the participants and they all enjoyed the sharing with Mr. Wu Siu Hong, MH (Winner of the 2015 QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup).

All students took a photo together.

ECA Session (Interest Class)

150 students joined the ECA - Interest Class this year. There are ten interest classes in total, they are :

1) Japanese Class
2) Korean Class
3) Spanish Class
4) Rope Skipping Class
5) Chinese / International Chess Class
6) Yoga Class
7) Magic Class
8) Photography Class
9) Model Making Class
10) Aerial Photography Class

Students are having a Yoga Class.

Theme of October in School Library – Halloween

In order to enhance the reading atmosphere, the school library will prepare a series of theme activities every month this year. The theme of October is Halloween. The library has prepared many horror and suspense books for students. The library has also held a Halloween party on 20 October 2017. Students dressed up as witches and pumpkins and played a mini-game in the library. They were happy and enjoyed the Halloween party.

The library has prepared a reading corner for horror and frightening books.

Justice Education Project - Mock Trial 2017

A group of 2 teachers and 12 students went for a meaningful seminar and the activities held by The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Hong Kong. It was a great experience for all the students.

All students took a photo together.

Inno Tech Expo 2017

Students from Science Club went to the Inno Tech Expo 2017 on 30 Sept, 2017. This Expo was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai. This Expo showcased China's science and technology achievements in the past and present. Various performances, demonstrations and family-themed activities were staged for our students to learn more about innovation and Technology.

All of us enjoyed the visit so much!

3D Printing Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony

The 3D Printing Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on 26 Sept ,2017.

Two school teams from the Creativity Development Program have participated in the 3D Printing Competition held by HKPC last year and won the Guinness World Record for our school.

Team A :




2E Chek Yip Long

Team A were awarded the 3D printing pens and the certificate of the Guinness World Record by our Principal.

Leader Recruitment Day and ECA Recruitment Day

The Leader Recruitment Day and ECA Recruitment Day was sucessfully held on 5 September and 18 September .

Students were encouraged to apply for their favourite Academic and Non-academic Clubs, School Teams or Interest Classes in the school hall during the lunch recess on that day.

Students showed their interest in the Taekwondo Class.

2017 Canada Study Tour

Between 19 July and 31 July 2016, ten of our junior form students went on a 12-day study tour in Vancouver, Canada. Accompanied by 2 teachers, our students experienced the study life in a local school, the Vancouver International College (VIC) and also joined some local tours during that period. The students were totally immersed in the Canada culture and boost their English in an authentic context. They demonstrated tremendous resilience and adaptability throughout the tour.

We visited the University of Columbia.
