S1 Chinese Cultural Talk

In order to raise students’ awareness of the Chinese cultural and widen their horizons in learning the uniqueness and diversity of the Chinese culture, the school organised a talk for all form 1 students on 9th February 2023 and the school invited the guest Mr TSANG Tak-sing, GBS, JP who was formerly Secretary for Home Affairs of Hong Kong SAR Government (2007 to 2015). It offered students a chance to learn some important components of Chinese culture which includes ceramics, architecture, music, martial art, philosophy and cuisine, etc.It was observed that most students were actively participated with enjoyment. The feedback was positive.

Our school principal issued Certificate of Appreciation to Mr TSANG Tak-sing,GBS, JP.
Our school principal issued Certificate of Appreciation to Mr TSANG Tak-sing, GBS, JP.
Our school principal issued Certificate of Appreciation to Mr TSANG Tak-sing, GBS, JP.
The students were very concentrated during the seminar.
The students were very engaged during the seminar.