A Seminar for Parents and S3 Students - Post-secondary 3 Education Pathways other than SFC

A seminar about 'Post-secondary 3 Education Pathways other than SFC ' was held on 9 March, 2017 for all S3 students and parents. Mr Chan, the Education Consultant from VTC and Ms Yuen from JSC introduced the options of further studies for the S3 students.

Mr Chan, the Education Consultant from VTC, is introducing the Diploma in Vocational Education (DVE) programmes offered by Youth College to our students.
Ms Yuen, the CGC member, is introducing the S3 pathways for further studies to parents and students..
Parents are interested to know more about the different education pathways available after their children have completed the junior secondary school curriculum.
Over 10 different career specialisations are provided in the DVE to match with students’ interests and help them develop their full potential for further studies and their careers prospects.
Students want to know more about different post-secondary 3 education pathways.