A Seminar for Parents and S3 Students - SFC Admissions Procedures and Making Informed Choices in Subject Selection

A seminar about 'SFC Admissions Procedures and Making Informed Choices in Subject Selection' was held on 5 May, 2017 for all S3 students and parents. Ms Ng, the Vice Principal of SFC and Ms Lau, the Vice Principal of JSC reminded students about the issues regarding the SFC admission policy in 17-18 and the important dates for promoting to S4 in SFC. Henry, the programme director of Edvenue shared tips on using the student's individual report from Life Planning Education Enrichment Program as a useful indicator in subject selection.

Students are paying attention to Ms Lau’s reminders on promotion criteria.
Parents and students are listening intently to find practical strategies to help their children in subject selection.
Ms Lau, the Vice-principal of JSC, is explaining the promotion criteria to our parents and students.
Ms Ng, the Vice-principal of SFC, is explaining the subject selection.
Henry, the programme director of Edvenue, is telling us about the requirements of various jobs.