A study tour of the foreign architectural footprints in Guangzhou from the past to present

The Chinese Language Department and Visual Arts Department of our school joined a Mainland Exchange Program for Junior Secondary students to visit the western historical architecture in Guangzhou. It was offered by Education Bureau from 25th to 26th November, 2016. We aimed at nurturing our students' visual literacy in learning the characteristics of a historical building and to appreciate how architects expressed their tastes, creativity and values of a society in colonial times through this tour. A total of sixty-eight secondary one students and seven teachers enjoyed wandering among historic buildings and discovering cultural treasures for two days.

Group photo of all the students in front of the Sacred Heart Cathedral
Group photo of one of the classes in front of the Guangdong Revolutionary History Museum
Students jotted down information provided by the tourist guide in Chun Yuan.
Students studied the architectural styles in Dongshan district.