School Events

CGC Parents’ Talk : ‘Post-secondary 3 Education Pathways other than SFC '

A Parents' Talk about 'Post-secondary 3 Education Pathways other than SFC' was held on 27 March, 2019 for all S3 students and parents. Ms Kitty Leung, the Education Consultant and Senior Lecturer from Vocational Training Council (VTC) provided information on different options of further studies for the S3 students.

Appreciating the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra Music Concert

The Music Department has organized a concert appreciation of Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra for our students. In the concert, students listened to different styles of music in different musical periods. Students showed their enthusiasm on music. The school expected students could learn, enjoy and develop a habit of music appreciation.

Students were going to the Yuen Long Theatre.

Maker Fortnight - DNA Extraction Workshop

During the creativity fortnight event held by our school, a DNA Extraction workshop was carried out on 14th March 2019 in order to let our students have a first trial on Biotechnology. Students extracted DNA from strawberries themselves under student helpers' and teacher's supervision. It's a great opportunity for them to cultivate the interest on Biotechnology. Students were interested in the workshop and they enjoyed it so much.

One of our students acted as a teacher to give a brief introduction on DNA and lead our workshop smoothly. Students were focused on the introduction too.

Entrepreneurship and Maker Market – Geography Department

During the Entrepreneurship and Maker Market, the Geography Department brought a full-of-fun activity to our students. In the activity, students took part in the Typhoon pavilion in the covered playground. They had to finish some tasks when experiencing the strong wind and rainstorm in the tent. Also, they had to make their own anemometer and to play a hurricane game. All in all, students had great fun in the activity.

Student Ambassador is explaining the game inside the tent to our students.

First Term Exam Prize Presentation Ceremony (Form 3)

The 2018-2019 Form 3 First Term Exam Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at the school hall during the morning assembly on 22 March, 2019.
The First Position in S.3: 3E Ho Lok Man
The Second Position in S.3: 3E Wong Yee Ting
And The Third Position in S.3: 3E Wong Yu Ching
Congratulations to all of them and we hope all students will continue to work hard for the coming tests and exams!

The First Position in S.3: 3E Ho Lok Man

First Term Exam Prize Presentation Ceremony (Form 2)

The 2018-2019 Form 2 First Term Exam Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at the school hall during the morning assembly on 19 March, 2019.
The First Position in S.2: 2E Wong Ho Long
The Second Position in S.2: 2A Ma Ka Lok
And The Third Position in S.2: 2A Lam Chak Yu
Congratulations to all of them and we hope all students will continue to work hard for the coming tests and exams!

The First Position in S.2: 2E Wong Ho Long

Voluntary Service in Mainland China

In March 2019, a group of teachers, social workers and students went to Mainland China for a voluntary service. The destinations included Nangang Millennium Yao Zhai Village of Liannan, the Liannan Care and Attention Homes for the elderly, the Lianzhou Heishan Primary school, and the Youling of Liannan. The students served as the volunteers teaching primary school students and spending time with the elderly. What was more, they learnt folk dance and tried making Chinese traditional handcrafts. They have broadened their horizons through the trip.
