School Events

S2 Parents' Night - 21st Sept 2018

In order to foster a closer co-operation and better communication between parents and school, we held the S.2 Parents' Night in the school hall from 7:00p.m. to 8:30p.m. on 21st September. S.2 parents were cordially invited to attend this important event in order to meet our Principal and Committee Heads and discuss their child's progress with the class teachers.

Student ambassadors welcome the parents at the entrance.

Stand By Me Programme - First Term Tea Gathering

A tea gathering for all F1 students and their teachers was held on 24th September. The tea gathering kicked off the whole-year 'Stand By Me Programme' of which the mentors can give guidance, care and support to their mentees throughout the year.

Students enjoyed to share their secondary school life with Miss Wong.

Leader Recruitment Day and ECA Recruitment Day

The Leader Recruitment Day and ECA Recruitment Day were successfully held on 5 September and 19 September.

Students were encouraged to apply for their favourite Academic and Non-academic Clubs, School Teams or Interest Classes in the school hall during the lunch recess that day.

Students and teachers enjoyed the Recruitment Day in the hall.

F. 1 Class rules, Class logo design and School Regulation Quiz

Discipline and Guidance Committee has organized a range of activities to help the F.1 students to adapt to their new school life. Activities such as designing class logo, class rules and school regulations quiz were held on Day 8 assembly. We hope they can have a deeper understanding on our school and enjoy an extraordinary school life this year!

A student was working on the design of the class logo.

S.1 Sun Fun Day Camp

The S.1 Sun Fun Day Camps were held on 6th and 20th September, 2018. The S.1 students had a nice day with their class teachers and social workers in Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp.

The students were all focused and concentrated.

ERMC Pests Control Seminar on 5th September, 2018

The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and the Sham Shui Po District Council organized a seminar on preventing and imposing control measures for rodents, mosquitoes and other arthropod pests for our students on 5th September, 2018.

All students and staff attended the seminar conducted by the Chairman of Sham Shui Po District Council, Mr. Cheung Wing-sum, Ambrose, BBS, MH, JP and The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department officials.

2018-2019 School Opening Ceremony

The 2018-2019 School Opening Ceremony was held in the school hall on 3 September, 2018. Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, delievered a welcoming address at the ceremony. On behalf of the school and all the staff, he gave a warm welcome to all students.

Our school Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, delivered a welcoming address at the opening ceremony.

S.1 Orientation and Parents' Day

The S.1 Orientation and Parents' Day was held on 26th August, 2018. The aim of the Orientation Day was to build up a mutual relationship between class teachers and students in order to help the new students adapt to the new secondary school life. In addition, parents could get a general idea about the school policy, academic requirements and extra-curricular activities in this academic year.

Our Vice Principal, Ms. Siu is introducing the staff on the stage.

The 51st Joint School Science Exhibition

The 51st Joint School Science Exhibition was held at the Hong Kong Central Library from 21st to 27th of August 2018. The topic of the year was "Reflection". Our students have invented a new system which can merge with the current traffic light system to provide a better experience to the elderly and people with disabilities. Also, we made a mobile application for teenagers to remind them when they are using their phone while crossing the road.
