School Events

Po Leung Kuk Joint Schools Swimming Gala

The 32nd Po Leung Kuk Joint Schools Swimming Gala was held at Ma On Shan Swimming Pool on 18th October. Students from the School Swimming Team tried their best and got good results.

TNK Swimming Team members together with the teacher-in-charge

First Round of HKSS Debating Competition

The first round of the HKSS Debating Competition was held in our school campus on 7th October. The motion of the debate was that "Large social media companies make unfair use of users' personal information." Our students, the affirmative side, defeated the opposition, Buddhist Tai Hung College. Our second speaker, Ronnie Cheng, received the Best Speaker Award.

At the end of the competition, the two teams and their coaches are posing for a group photo.

Inauguration of Prefects and Monitors

The Inauguration of Prefects and Monitors was held in the morning assembly on 7th October (Tuesday) by the Discipline & Counseling Committee and Student Affair Committee. It provided all teachers and students with an invaluable chance meet the prefects and monitors who are going to serve the school in the academic year 2014-2015.

Ms. Siu, our Vice Principal, had a group photo with the F.2 monitors and monitresses.

Stand By Me Tea Time Gathering

A tea time gathering was held by the Discipline & Counseling Committee on 30th September, 2014 (Tuesday). All S1 students had a good chance for an informal chat with their mentors in a relaxed atmosphere.

1E students are chatting happily with Mr. Wong.

Blue house AGM

The Blue House AGM was held on 25-9-2014. The committee members of 14-15 introduced themselves and the acitivities in the coming year.

F.1 Sun Fun Day (1P, 1A & 1B)

Students from 1P, 1A, and 1B enjoyed a memorable session with classmates and teachers on the Sun Fun Day activities which were held on 11th September, 2014. The activities aimed at building supportive relationships among classmates and teachers. The day was a great success.

Students are meeting new friends through different activities.

S1 Leadership Training Camp

S.1 Leadership Training Camps were held on 7th August and 8th August during the S.1 bridging course. S.1 students met their new schoolmates and did different group activities together.

Students are paying attention to the instructions.

The Closing Ceremony

The closing ceremony was successfully held on 9th July 2014 in our school. The ceremony started with the opening address by the principal, Mr. Wong, and was followed by the presentation of awards and graduation certificates. It ended with the vote of thanks by the representative of the F3 graduates, Winnie Li and the performance by the school symphonic band.

Our school principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, addresses the ceremony enthusiastically.

Alumni, Teachers and Students Soccer Game

The 2013/2014 Alumni, Teachers and Students Soccer Game was held to maintain and promote unity and fellowship among the Graduates, teachers and current students. The activity was held at the football court of Sycamore Playground, Tai Kok Tsui. The participants enjoyed the game very much.

All the football players and Alumni representatives take a photo together.
