School Events

Inter-House Volleyball Competition

The Inter-House Volleyball Competition was held from 17th-20th November. Yellow House got the Gold Medal, Red House won the silver and Blue House won the bronze. Students really enjoyed the competition and tried their very best.

The champions, Yellow House, stand proudly

3D Community Service

Students and the elderly from Mei Foo Elderly Centre enjoyed a memorable sharing session during the activity held on 21st November, 2014. Students shared their experience in preparing different kinds of food. The elderly shared their life experiences and traditional food which they had made themselves with the students.

Each group of students prepared different kind of food for the sharing activity.

Life wide Learning Day- Hong Kong Association of Youth Development

Students of 1C, 1D and 1E had a discipline and moral training course on Life-wide Learning Day. They were required to participate in various activities in order to develop discipline and moral virtues. They also needed to learn how to take care of themselves and co-operate with each other through group work and activities such as preparing the lunch.

Students from class 1C were doing reflection with the instructor after participating in all the activities

PTA AGM 2014-2015

The PTA Annual General Meeting was held on 6th November 2014. New PTA committee members of the year 2014-2015 were elected.

The participants are enjoying the buffet dinner.

Life-wide Learning Day- Science Park

Students visited Hong Kong Science Park during the InnoCarnival month. Students could enjoy and learn from more than 800 activities, displays, workshops and seminars.

Students are showing an avid interest in the new electrical car

Trip to Zhaoqing

The trip to Zhaoqing aimed at providing a learning experience for students to deepen their understanding of the history, culture, customs, urban/rural developments as well as nature conservation of the Guangdong Province, and its relationship with Hong Kong.

Students on the bus keen to set off
