School Events

The visit of Dragages Hong Kong Safety Training Centre

On 4th July, two groups of 30 students visited the Dragages Hong Kong Safety Training Centre which is located next to our school. The centre is equipped with various facilities and simulates a real work environment. Students attended a home safety awareness workshop before they paid a visit to the simulated real work environment.

Students are attending a home safety awareness workshop.

Visits to Shenzhen Museum and Yi Hai Kerry Enterprise

A group of 25 S.3 students paid visits to Yi Hai Kerry Enterprise and Shenzhen Museum in China on 3rd July 2014. During the visit at Yi Hai Kerry Enterprise, the students learnt how raw materials such as peanuts, corn and sesame are processed at various stages and finally turned into different kinds of cooking oil. Afterwards, the students paid another visit to Shenzhen Museum.

Students are listening attentively to the guide explain the process of producing cooking oil.
