School Events

Sincere Talks with Principal Wong

In order to have more and better communication with our students, Principal Wong is having talks with form three students starting from October to the end of this academic year. Students have a chance to talk to Principal Wong directly and express their opinion on everything about the school. Positive feedback towards this activity is generally given by the students.

Principal Wong is meeting with 3E students (Pak Him Chan, Yip Long Cheuk, Kit Cheung, Ka Kin Chiu and Chuen Hei Fu)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Eye Centre Visit

All science school team members visited The Chinese University of Hong Kong Eye Centre on 29 November 2018. We were honoured to have Professor CHU Wai Kit to give a speech to all students about three main eye diseases. Also students had a chance to investigate the amazing laboratory and research achievement of the eye centre. All students had a memorable experience.

Professor CHU Wai Kit was giving a speech to all students.

Healthy School Scheme - Leadership Camp

An overnight camp was carried out from 30th November to 1st December. Various team building activities were arranged for 34 participants to experience how great a team could be if everyone communicates and cooperates.

Teams needed to compete on wheelchairs in one of the team building activities.

AFS International Fair

English Club members attended AFS International Fair in late November. They visited booths from different countries, such as Finland, Italy, France, Switzerland and Nepal etc. In the fair, they enjoyed the time interacting with international students, playing games and trying their local food. It was a fruitful day.

All English Club members are ready to have fun in AFS International Fair!

Life-wide Learning Day - African Drums Arena

3E and 3A students joined the African Drums Arena on 23rd November, 2018. Apart from playing drums together, the workshop also helped enhance students' creativity and raise students' awareness of the sustainable development of our nature. Students found the two-hour drumming experience exciting and unforgettable as this was their first time they had played the drums and water buckets with their schoolmates together.

We are ready to play the African Drums.

Life-wide Learning Day (Science)

A visit to Zero Carbon Building was held for S.3 students on 23 Nov 2018. This activity aims at raising students' awareness of low carbon living in Hong Kong and promote students' behavioral changes towards low carbon living by providing them guided ZCB tours and educational program during the visit.

The staff was introducing the Zero Carbon Building design and technologies to the students.

MCNEC: National Education Assembly about Basic Law

A National Education Assembly for S1-2 students was held on 22 Nov 2018. The assembly topic was 'The relationship between the National Constitution, One country One system and Basic Law'. It aims at enriching students' knowledge and concept about National Constitution, One country One system and Basic Law.

The Vice-Principal Ms. Siu gave a Pennant to the guest to express our gratitude for his coming.
