School Events

Green workshop for teachers

In order to equip our teachers with teaching skills and knowledge about environmental protection, a Green Workshop was conducted for them on Staff Development Day dated 31st October. All teachers enjoyed the workshop.

Mr. Wong from Food Grace was invited to provide a talk about food waste.

Mini Career Book Exhibition

The Mini Career Book Exhibition was held in the Careers and Education Corner in the school library from 10th to 12th October, 2018. Books are selected on the theme of 'Job Nature'.

Books and information are neatly arranged at the Careers and Education Corner.

The Inter-Class Board Competition

The result of the 1st term Inter-class board design competition has been finalized.

For Form 1, the 2nd runner-up goes to 1K. The 1strunner-up goes to 1D. The champion goes to 1C.

For Form 2, the 2nd runner-up goes to 2K. The 1strunner-up goes to 2E. The champion goes to 2B.

For Form 3, the 2nd runner-up goes to 3C. The 1strunner-up goes to 3E. The champion goes to 3A.


Students received prizes from the Vice-Principal.

JA It’s My Idea!

JA It's My Idea! This program was held on 30 Oct 2018 which offered students a valuable opportunity to learn from successful entrepreneurs. Under the guidance of business volunteers, students learned about different marketing strategies and presentation skills through this program.

Students were learning about various marketing strategies in the hall.

Entrepreneurship Seminar : GOGOVAN

Three students from class 3E attended the entreperneurship seminar organized by Hong Kong Baptist University about the setting up of innovative apps GOGOVAN on 9th October 2018. The Co-founder and Operations Director, Mr. Revee Kwan shared his experience in building up the famous brand GOGOVAN and operating the business.

ECA session (Interest Class)

The ECA session (Interest class) started from 12th October, 2018. We have organized 9 Interest classes for students to develop their interests in non-academic aspects. They are Korean, Spanish, Japanese, Magic, Mini Model-making, Aerial Photography, Photography, Chinese/International Chess and Guitar Classs. Different Interest classes provide a great opportunity for students to enrich their life, social experience and also to develop their potential in non-academic aspects.

Students are happy with the models they made.

S.3 Assembly (Healthy School Programme)

A talk about 'Healty Campus' was conducted on 22nd October 2018 during the assembly for all S.3 students. We were happy to invite our honorable guests to give a talk to our students in order to promote a healthy school life. Students have learnt more about what healthy school is and how to stay a healthy school life.

The talk is about online friendship.

Sham Shui Po District Reading Promotion Scheme 2018 Book Purchase Activity

This year, our school was invited to join the Sham Shui Po District Reading Promotion Scheme 2018 Book Purchase Activity. Fifteen students were selected to join this meaningful activity that was held on October 30 at the Commercial Press in Tsim Sha Tsui. With the $280 sponsor for each student, our students enthusiastically picked their favourite books in the store.

Participants are taking a group photo with their books in front of the book store.
