School Events

Po Leung Kuk Flag Day

The Po Leung Kuk Flag Day was held on 15 August, 2018 (Wednesday). Parents and students were invited to take part in this meaningful fund-raising event. Donations will be used for Po Leung Kuk educational and social welfare services. Participating in flag selling provides a good opportunity for our students to take part in community services.

Let's take a photo!

[Creativity Thinking Team]Hong Kong Design Makeathon Workshop

The Hong Kong Design Makeathon Workshop was held on the 4th November 2017 (Saturday) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Members of the Creativity Thinking Team have attended the workshop and known more about the competition detail and the idea of making a good product.

Members of the Creativity Team have attended the workshop.

[Creativity Thinking Team]The Hong Kong Product Design Makeathon Competition

The Hong Kong Product Design Makeathon cum Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 26 May 2018.

Two teams from the Creativity Thinking Team entered the final round of the Hong Kong Product Design Makeathon. And one of our teams received the Merit Award in the competition.

Two teams from the creativity think team entered the final round of the Hong Kong Product Design Makeathon.

Visual Arts Team: 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development Art and Design Competition

1A Cheong Hau Nam, 1A Fong Yuen Chi, 1B Hui Cheuk Yin, 3E Tong Kwok Yu, 3A Ng Ka Ching, 3B Ho Tsz Yan were awarded the 3rd Class Honour from the 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development Art and Design Competition (Hong Kong). 1A Cheong Hau Nam, 1A Fong Yuen Chi, 1B Hui Cheuk Yin were awarded the 3rd Class Honour from the 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development Art and Design Competition (International).

1A Cheong Hau Nam, 1A Fong Yuen Chi, 1B Hui Cheuk Yin received the prize during the closing ceremony.

[Maths Club]World Rummikub Championships

5 Students from Mathematics Club have joined the World Rummikub Championships. The competition was held at the Yan Chai Hospital Lan Chi Pat Memorial Secondary School on 19th May 2018 (Saturday). Our club members enjoy playing Rummikub with students from other secondary schools.

All participants are getting into the hall for the competition.

HKT Smart Living awards 2018

2E Wong Yu Ching, 3E Wong Ho Wang and 3E Wong Tsz Yuen were awarded the Special Mention of HKT Smart Living Awards 2018. In the Competition, they competed against some tertiary school students and won a prize with their well-written proposal about smart living and their innovative design with the use of 3D design software, SketchUp.

The students attended the prize giving ceremony organised by HKT.

[Maths Club]T-puzzle Competition

4 Students from Mathematics Club have attended the T-puzzle Competition. The competition was held at the Heung To Middle School on 10th March 2018 (Saturday).
3B Chan Tsz Hin got the Second Runner Up in the T-Puzzle Competition 2018. Our club members enjoy competing with students from other secondary schools.

Students are waiting for the competition to begin.
