School Events

[Maths Club]HKU Cryptography Talk

Students from Mathematics Club have attended a talk about "Cryptography". The talk was held at the University of Hong Kong on 24th March 2018 (Saturday). Students learned more about the daily Cryptography technique of Mathematics from the talk.

Students arrived the University of Hong Kong for the first time.

Robofest World Championship (USA)

Four students joined an international STEM competition : Robofest World Championship in the United States (15-22 May 2018). They had a presentation at Lawrence Technological University and shared their experience in robot design with other participants from all over the world. They gained invaluable experience and had an unforgettable memory in the trip.

Leaving Hong Kong with participants from other schools.

Inter-school Debating Competition 2018

Every year, there are two debates each term and those teams which win both enter the regional finals. In the 2017-2018 HKSSDC Term 2 Competition, the completion deadline for Round 1 was Friday 2 March and for Round 2, it was late May. Those teams in the regional level finals need to complete their debate by the deadline of Friday 18 May 2018.

Odyssey of the Mind 2018 World Finals

Seven students and two teachers went to the competition, "Odyssey of the Mind 2018 World Finals", in the United States from 19 May to 28 May, 2018. We stayed in Edward Hotel Chicago for the first two days and in Iowa State University for the remaining six days. Apart from the competition, we also participated in the opening ceremony, NASA lessons, creativity festival, float and banner parade, international festival and party for coaches and teenagers.

All students took a photo at Hong Kong International Airport.

F.3 Community Service Learning Scheme

In order to facilitate positive development and unleash the potential of our students, our school organized a community service learning program for all F.3 classes. Through providing service experience to students, it enhances students' civic awareness and increases students' understanding of the needy and sense of the community. This surely brings a positive effect to students and society. This scheme aims at equipping students with different areas of knowledge and broadening their horizons and preparing for learning Liberal Studies in the future.

Our students brought happiness to the elderly.

F.2 Community Service Learning Scheme

In order to facilitate positive development and unleash the potential of our students, our school organized a community service learning program for all F.2 classes. Through providing service experience to students, it enhances students' civic awareness and increases students' understanding of the needy and sense of the community. This surely brings a positive effect to students and society. This scheme aims at equipping students with different areas of knowledge, broadening their horizons and preparing for learning Liberal Studies in the future.

Our students brought happiness to the children in kindergarten.
