School Events

Mudflat Cleanup and Wild release of Horseshoe Crab

Our school joined the “Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme” organized by Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK) this year. Our students are able to rear horseshoe crabs, observe and monitor the growth of juveniles. After a year, they will release the horseshoe crab to the wild.

Lifewide Learning Day (IS & LSS) - Civil Aviation and Hong Kong International Airport

In the 2nd Term Lifewide Learning Day, 3 Form 2 classes have had a virtual tour of the Aviation Education Path of the Civil Aviation Department and a video lecture on the development of the Hong Kong International Airport. During the virtual tour, students could visit the Aviation Education Path via a pre-recorded video, as if they were on the site. They could see the different exhibits at the exhibition and learn about how civil aviation has developed in Hong Kong. They also learnt about different types of common aircrafts in Hong Kong.

Students watch a video tour in the classroom.

S3 Farewell Day

The S3 Farewell Party was held on 30 June, 2021. The aims of this activity are to encourage students to recall some happy and unfogettable experiences they had in TNK in the past three years and show gratitude and blessings to their teachers and fellow schoolmates. The activities were organized by the Student Union members.

Our Principal Mr Wong was sharing some study tips to S3 students.

Joyful Fruit Week

The Joyful Fruit Week with several activities such as 'Fruit Bingo!', 'Fruit & Health Quiz Contest', 'Fruit Kahoot! Competition' and 'Fruit & Health Slogan Competition' was organized in the first week of May 2021. The purposes of the activities are to encourage students to eat more fruit, strengthen their immunity, and maintain good health.

'Fruit Bingo!' Students used their iPads to join the activity, and the teacher was showing the bingo fruit on screen. There's excitement in the air!

Theme of April and May (2021) in School Library – STEM x Body Facts

In order to promote STEM-related reading materials to students, the library held a series of activities in April and May. Apart from a thematic book exhibition and morning assembly quiz game, the library organized an inter-class AR poster colouring competition. The competition requested each class representative to colour a poster and show the finished works in AR format. In the end, representatives from 1C, 2D and 3A won the competition with their outstanding works.

1C (4) LEE BERNICE CHEUK NAM is the champion in Form 1.

Life-Wide Learning Day - “Walking to School” movie watching and sharing activity

The activity aims at providing national education for students to let them know more about different aspects of our motherland, China. The activity was divided into four sessions, showing a short video about the Civic Education Resource Centre, showing the movie “Walking to School”, playing a Kahoot! game about the movie and a sharing and reflection session.

Life-Wide Learning Day (English Drama Activity)

The Life-Wide Learning Day was successfully held on 21 May, 2021. In The English Drama Activity, native English-speaking tutors came to the College, and had interactive speaking practices with students of classes 2D, 2E and 2F. Students were highly engaged in practising drama skills in English throughout the 2-hour activity. All of them were motivated and attentive. 

A student was eager to be the volunteer and to guess the Leader in the warm up game called “Guess who the leader is”.

The School Book Fair

The School Book Fair was held on 25th and 26th May 2021. A wide range of books were showcased at the School Book Fair. All students were interested in reading books. Some students were keen to purchase their favourite books. The School Book Fair encourages students to broaden their horizons through reading.

Students were looking for their favourite books.
