School Events

AR Sandbox Workshop in The Education University of Hong Kong

The Geography Department has joined an AR Sandbox Workshop organized by the Education University of Hong Kong on 5 May,2018. Two AR teaching and learning activities, which were conducted by Dr. Fok and Dr. Cheng, were given to our S2 and S3 students. They enjoyed applying their subject knowledge and gained valuable experiences through AR technology.

Students were working on the pre-test before the AR Sandbox lecture.

La Salle-Pui Ching Programming Challenge 2018

IEEE Electronic Endeavor Match

La Salle-Pui Ching Programming Challenge Match 2018 was held on 22 May, 2018. The match is jointly organized by Pui Ching Middle School and La Salle College. The purpose behind organizing the competition is to enable the secondary students the opportunity to solve the problems by using the computer programming languages. Our students gained a valuable experience in this competition.

Students arrived at Pui Ching Middle School.

LS Talk on Public Finance

We were honoured to have invited Ms. Ho Chui Ping, Political Assistant to Financial Secretary, to come and deliver a talk on public finance to our Form 2 students. In the talk, students were able to gain insight about the drafting of Government Budget and real operation of public finance. Ms. Ho was also very kind to share her reading habit and experiences in her career with our students.

Ms. Siu, our vice-principal, presents a souvenir to Ms. Ho.

The Good Book Recommendation Talk

The School Library invited Ms. Fan Kien Mei, an experienced teacher, to deliver a good book recommendation talk to all Form One students during the assembly session on 7 May.

Ms. Fan encouraged our students to foster a good reading habit and recommended a tailor-made book list for them. Ms. Fan shared the most exciting part of each book and successfully raised students' interest in reading the books.

Ms. Fan is showing one of the recommended books to our students.

'ipeel' Workshop

28 students including the Home Economics Club members joined the 'ipeel' workshop held by THEi to learn different ways to make useful products by reusing food waste.

Students are listening to the speaker who is talking about different ways to make useful products by reusing food waste.

Joint School Programme (PLK Primary Schools) TSA English Mock Oral Training (by English Department)

The English Department will organize a Joint School Programme with PLK Primary Schools every year. This year, our English teachers, Ms Chan and Ms Yuen brought 17 student helpers to Po Leung Kuk Mrs. Chan Nam Chong Memorial Primary School to have a TSA English Mock Oral Training with their Primary 6 students. It was such a valuable experience for our students. The feedback was positive from both the students and teachers at Po Leung Kuk Mrs. Chan Nam Chong Memorial Primary School.

Our students were the examiners to assess the Primary 6 students.

SFC-JSC Alumni Sharing Session 2018

A SFC-JSC alumni sharing session was conducted on 26 April 2018. Around 25 KTC students representing different elective subjects shared the information, opinion and factors for consideration with S3 students in JSC about their studies, elective choices and transitioning to life after entering KTC.

5A Chan Hei Lam and Tai Hiu Yi, 5D Chik Wai Chak and 5F Chu Kin Hang are giving students tips on studying Chinese History and Biology.

VTC and CIC Visit

In order to help S3 students know more about the post-secondary 3 exits and course content of the vocational training institutes,the Careers and Guidance Committee organized a visit to the VTC Kowloon Bay Complex and the Construction Industry Resource Centre. Around 20 students went there on 16 March 2018. They could know more about the requirements and details of the programs offered which helped them make decisions on further studies.

Students are waiting for the  student helpers for a guided tour.
