School Events

"Love Our City"- Mini Forum

MCNEC organized the "Love Our City" - Mini Forum during lunch recess on 7 February 2018. This provides a great chance for students to express their views on the topic "Should priority seats be mandated by law in Hong Kong?"

Our students represented different stakeholders to present their viewpoints about the topic in the mini forum.

PLK Charity Walk 27 JAN 2018

To raise funds for further strengthening of the multi-faceted services, the Annual Charity Walk was organized by Po Leung Kuk on Saturday, 27 January 2018.

Our students received a 'Lucky' pinwheel.

S2 Career Talk: Get Ready to be an Engineer

In order to broaden the horizon of our students, the Career and Guidance Committee has organized a Career Talk for Form 2 students. Three engineers from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers gave an inspiring talk to our students. All students enjoyed the talk and they have learnt more about the industry.

One of the engineers was telling students about his nature of work.

Inter-House Football Competition and Prize Presentation Ceremony

A challenging and exciting Inter-House Football Competition was held successfully in December, 2017. Representatives of the House Pegasus, Leopard and Kabarda tried their best to get every goal in the competitions. In addition, student helpers who were responsible for judging the competitions, setting up of the venue and recording the results, showed their enthusiasm to support the event.

House Leopard was the champion and won the golden medal.

Inter-class Green X'mas Competition

The Inter-class Green X'mas Competition was held on 22 December, 2017.

The following classes had won the competition, they are,

1) Champion: 1A, 2A, 3E
2) First Runner Up: 1D, 2E, 3K

Wish you all keep it up and let's protect our Earth together!

The representative from Class 1A (Champion) took a picture with Vice Principal Ms. Siu Pui Yin.

Biotechnology Research and STEM Education Meeting

Our principal and 4 Science teachers had a fruitful meeting with Professor Y.H.Wong in January, 2018. It is our great honour to have Professor Wong as our director of the STEM Education and the biotechnology research. A lot of great ideas and important information were shared and discussed in the meeting.

The attendees of the meeting :

All meeting attendees took a picture together.

Civil Aid Service Cadet Corps F.1 Discipline Training Camp

Civil Aid Service Cadet Corps F.1 Discipline Training Camp was successfully held in CAS Yuen Tun Camp from 20 January to 22 January. The camp aims to help Cadets become confident, responsible and cooperative. The Cadets received different trainings, including foot drilling, first aid, campcraft, knotcraft and campfire leadership. Besides the trainings, exciting outdoor adventure games were also prepared for the students. Outstanding Cadets received prizes at the end of the camp.

All cadets took a group photo together with the instructors, teachers and the principal.

F3 Personal Growth Training Camp

The 3-day-2-night Personal Growth Training Camp for F.3 students was held in Po Leung Kuk Pak Tam Chung Holiday Camp in late January. The training camp provides ample opportunities for students to enhance their personal development. There are various team building tasks and fieldtrip challenges to raise the leadership ability, team spirit and resilience.

We can do it together.
