School Events

S3 Parents' Talk 2

The 2nd S.3 Parents' Talk was held at the college on 9th February 2023. The colleagues from Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College were invited to introduce the information of the elective subjects offered in S4. Parents and S3 students were listening to the talk at the hall. Both parents and students were satisfied as they received the useful information through the talk. Overall, the event was very informative.

Teachers from KTC shared the information of the elective subjects offered in S4

Staff development day - Teachers STEM taster program

A STEM teacher taster workshop was held on the staff development day on 3/2/2023.
The workshop was about Human body sensing AI (Pictoblox) conducted by the staff development team teachers, and all teachers have succeeded to create a simple program of facial recognition.

Staff development team conducting the workshop.

Staff Development Day - Talk on Technology Advancement by Seve Studio

A talk on Technology Advancement by Seve Studio was conducted on the staff development day on 3/2/2022.

Miss Yeung from Seve studio shared their on-the-edge products in many aspects such as farming, education, finance and jewellery, etc. Professor Wong shared his view of the on-going society and his perspective on the trend of technology advancement in the coming future.

Miss Yeung Seve studio shared their on-the-edge products in many aspects such as farming, education, finance, jewellery, etc.

S1 and S3 Leadership Training Day Camps

S1 and S3 students went to Junior Police Call Centre at Pat Heung on 1 February and 2 February 2023 respectively. The students participated in team building games. Not only did they learn how to cooperate with each other, but also enliven themselves after a two-year suspension of such activities. A big thanks to the coaches, drivers, and all teachers who have pulled off the success of this event. We hope students can put into practice for what they have learned from the day camps. 

Students gathered at the entrance for a group photo.

S.2 Job Simulation

In order to increase students' exposure to the world of work and raise their awareness of career planning, the school organized a job simulation workshop for all Form 2 students on 1st February 2023. Students had the chance to learn how to be nurses, vets, nutritionists, lawyers, waiters and waitresses, as well as interior designers. It was observed that most students actively participated in the workshop. The feedback was positive.

Students were watching a video about how to become professional vets.

A visit to VTC Youth College (Kowloon Bay) for S3 students

9 students from Class 3F participated in the VTC visit arranged by the CGC on 18 January, 2023. Another study path in Hong Kong was shared to students which motivated them to think about their future. The programme of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics was introduced to 3F students as the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been advancing at an exponential pace. They learnt about the job opportunity regarding this field. The response to the visit was positive.

Students are listening to the speaker introducing the VTC programme attentively.

The 18th Alumni General Meeting

The 18th Alumni General Meeting was successfully held at our school on 13th Jan 2023. The event was held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, gave a welcome speech. Then, the Chairperson of the Alumni, Mr. Lam Ka Ho presented the annual report and budget report. This was followed by our Vice Principal, Miss Chiu, who presented the result of Alumni Manager Election.

The chairman of the Alumni Association, Mr. Lam Ka Ho was presenting the budget report.

Chinese Traditional Costume Runway Show

The Chinese Department organized a Chinese Traditional Costume Runway Show with a board display on 21 December, 2022. Student models put on colourful dresses on the runway. The event ended with a great success as everyone enjoyed the catwalk. Special thanks to the teachers who were behind the scenes.

A group photo of all student models after the runway show
