School Events

F3 Positive Thinking Sharing Activity

The Positive Thinking Sharing Activity was successfully held for S3 students after first term examination. A talk and handmade gifts workshops were held to promote the importance of appreciation and positive thinking. Students and teachers prepared different handmade gifts for the needy so as to contribute to our community. It was a fruitful day for both students and teachers.

Our guest speaker, Mr Chan, delivers a talk about positive thinking to our students in a humorous way.

F1 Personal Growth Training Day Camp

F1 Personal Growth Training Day Camp was successfully held in late January after first term examination. Students had a fruitful day in the day camp. There were various team building tasks and evaluation sessions to enhance students' leadership ability, team spirit and resilience. They had the opportunity to be master chefs to prepare lunch for their groupmates and they enjoyed the food. Students and class teachers had a fruitful and memorable day.

This is teamwork! 1A students are standing on a narrow bench from shortest to tallest.

S2 Job Simulation

All S2 classes had the Job Simulation Workshop on 21st January. The students had the opportunity to try different kinds of jobs. They benefited a lot from the job simulation and tried to think more about their life and career planning.

Students were acting to be a veterinarian in the workshop.

Green School Workshop for teachers 2019-20

In order to equip our teachers with teaching skills and knowledge about environmental protection, a Green School Workshop was conducted for them on Staff Development Day dated 15th January. Ms. Ho and Eva, the speakers from Green Sense, provided the talk and workshop for the teachers.

A short talk about the cruel animal testing is given by the speaker of Green Sense.

Workshops for the EdUHK Caritas Field Report Competition 2019

This year, 10 students from class 3A, 3B and 3C participated in the EdUHK Caritas Field Report Competition 2019. Two workshops were offered to the participants on 2nd November and 14th December in Tseung Kwan O and Cheung Chau respectively. Through the workshops, our students were able to learn the issue-enquiry approach, skills of conducting research, such as data analysis and sampling.

A group photo was taken in the Tseung Kwan O Study Centre of the Education University of Hong Kong.

Bio-tech Taster @TNK 2020

Bio-tech Taster @ TNK, this activity was held on 11 January 2020 which consisted of an admission talk, a school campus visit and a taste of DNA extraction. The aims of this activity were to offer a valuable experience for primary school participants to do the experiment of DNA extraction. Besides, participants and their parents could know more about our school through this event.

Job guessing activity

This activity was held on 17th Dec 2019. Career Ambassadors made a video about different kinds of jobs. Under the guidance of class teachers, students could guess the related career which was acted by the Career Ambassadors via the video. They enjoyed the activity very much. 

Students were watching the video made by the Career Ambassador.

Job introduction activity - Wedding Planner

This activity was held on 22nd Oct 2019 which offered students an opportunity to know more about the job duties of a wedding planner. Under the guidance of class teachers, students learned more about the wedding planner and know the requirements of being a wedding planner.

Students were watching the video about the duties of the wedding planner.

Student Union Election

Student Union election has completed. The cabinet Wakanda won the majority vote and has become the Student Union executive committee.
