School Events

CGC Careers Talk

We’re pleased to invite a social worker from Hok Yau Club to conduct a career talk for our students on 4 November 2019. The topic is about life planning. The guest speaker explained how, why and what the life planning is, he also emphasized the importance of implementing our plan.

The guest is talking about life planning.

Theme of October and November (2019) in School Library – Chinese History and Culture

In order to enhance the reading atmosphere in school, the library prepares a series of themed activities every two months. The theme of October and November in 2019 is “Chinese History and Culture”. The library has prepared many books which are suggested by the Education Bureau and an activity for students in the first month. On 10 October, the library prepared some Chinese Two-Part Allegorical Sayings for students to pair-up the two parts of Sayings. Students enjoyed the activity and won many presents with their friends.

The books may be useful for pairing-up the two parts of Sayings.

Inter-School Swimming Competition 2019-20

Our school swimming team won the prizes from Inter-School Swimming on 11 October 2019.
Lam Tsz Hin Matthew won Champion in Boys C Grade 200m Medley Swimming and 50m Back Stroke respectively.
Ma Ka Lok won the 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up in Boys B Grade 200m Breast Stroke and 100m Breast Stroke respectively.
Our swimming team members won Overall Boys C Grade Championship. They are 2E Lam Tsz Hin Matthew, 1A Cheung Chin Ho, 1A Lo Ko Fung, 1D Chu Tsz Kin, 1D Man Cheuk Nam, 1E Kong Fung, 1E Leung Cheuk Hei, 1E Tsang Ho Lam.

"Create Your District" Competition 2019

This competition was organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. Our Form 3 students proposed to renovating a building complex that next to K11 into a museum-cum-youth hostel. Under the plan, our students would like to re-create the buiidng in Tsim Sha Tsui by displaying old pictures of Hong Kong in a gallery and inviting old chefs of historic local restaurants to operate again in the building. Their proposal was chosen as one of the finalists in the competition.

Our team is composed of Form 3 students.

CGC Mini Book Exhibition

The CGC Mini Book Exhibition was successfully held from 16th to 17th October during lunch recess in the Library’s Careers and Education Corner. Books and games were selected and designed on the theme of “Career Interest”.  Students enjoyed the activities very much.

Students were doing the worksheet intently.

STEM talk by MTR

An interesting talk presented by MTR was conducted on 9th October, 2019. It was an introduction to the use of STEM in MTR. TNK students could acquire more STEM knowledge in theories and applications.

The speaker explained how to consider and tackle the environment contraints in the construction of MTR stations.

"Startup your idea" Talk

A theme talk 'Startup your idea' was successfully organized in late September. Mr Andrew Yun was invited to share his valuable experience of establishing a social enterprise, Fantastic Dream, with our Form 3 students. He wanted to make use of his professional knowledge to bring youth from virtual world to normal life. The talk was inspiring and students had a better understanding about the development of start up and social enterprise in current Hong Kong.

A staff from La Violet Education does a brief introduction of the talk for students.

Prefect Adventure Training Day Camp

On 28th September, numbers of prefects participated in the Adventure Training Day Camp at Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Pak Tam Chung Holiday Camp. They joined different activities. They have learnt the importance of team spirit and leadership via the adventure training activities. We hope they can apply what they have learnt and experienced to their school life and be a good role model in our school.

Prefects enjoyed the day camp very much!
