School Events

S.1 Anti-drug Talk and Health Tests

Under the Healthy School Scheme, an anti-drug talk and health tests were held on 8th July for all F.1 students. A series of health tests like height measuring, weighing, BMI measurement, balancing exercise, etc. were arranged for students to check how healthy they are. Then an anti-drug talk was given by Ms. Lee, a nurse from Po Leung Kuk Student Support Services. Game booths were also organized for students to learn more about the harm of drugs to our health.

Students are doing a series of health tests in the program.

Study Tour to Fujian (LS & Chinese History)

Around 40 Form 3 students went on a 4-day tour to Fujian to know more about the history, culture and the Maritime Silk Road. In the tour, students knew more about the history and current development of Fujian as a major hub on the Maritime Silk Road. Through the visit to museum and attending a lecture at the Huaqiao University, students have gained new knowledge about how Fujian became an important city of trade on the sea.

Students are excited to set off the tour at the High-speed Railway Station.

Personal Growth Training Camp - Follow-up Day Camp

The Personal Growth Training Camp follow-up day camp for F.3 students was held successfully in late June. The training camp aimed at equipping students for their upcoming senior secondary school life. There were various team building tasks and evaluation sessions to enhance students' leadership ability, team spirit and resilience. Students and class teachers had a fruitful and memorable day.

Class teacher is willing to take the challenge with students.

CGC Job Simulation

Classes 2E, 2A, 2B and Classes 3C, 3D, 3K had the Job Simulation Workshop on 24th May. The students had the opportunity to try different kinds of jobs. They benefited a lot from the job simulation and tried to think more about their career and life planning.

Students were learning about pastry chef during the lesson.

Gifted Education Teachers Network

Gifted education is one of our focus in academic development. Building on the success of our various school teams at the pull-out level, we are devoted to strengthen our gifted education development at the regular classroom level, in order to fulfill our goal of "Gifted Education for All". Teachers from different subjects have participated actively in professional networks with other schools, to share our teaching practice and learn from other schools' experiences at the same time.

Students are working attentively in an LS open lesson on ecotourism.

Chan Shu Kui Memorial School Invitational Football Competition

After the regular season of inter-school football competition, our Boys C Grade football team took part in the Chan Shu Kui Memorial School Invitational Football Competition, where they faced more senior students from the other teams in this friendly tournament. Despite only finishing in the 4th position, the team's performance kept improving throughout the tournament. We hope the our boys have gained valuable experience from the matches and wish them all the best in preparing to fight back in next year's competitions.

The team is warming up for the match.

Life-wide Learning Day: Shenzhen Economics and Technological Development

Students from 2C, 2D and 2K went on a one-day tour to learn more about the economics and technological development in Shenzhen on the Lifewide Learning Day. Students visited the Shenzhen Industrial Museum, where they could see latest development in smart city, facial detection, biotechnology and more. They also got the chance to visit the newly opened exhibition at the Shenzhen Museum on "40 Years of Reform and Opening-up in Guangdong". Students also visited a robotics centre, where they could see how robotics and technology were used in the daily life.

Teachers and students pay a visit to the newly opened thematic exhibition at the Shenzhen Museum.

Ningbo Cultural and Educational Exchange Tour

15 students across different forms paid a visit to our sister school, Ningbo No. 15 Middle School, where they were very warmly welcomed by their buddies in Ningbo. Students spent two mornings with the students in Ningbo, visiting their two campuses and having lessons together. During the tour, students also visited various sites, including Qiantong Ancient Town, Tianyi Library, Ningbo Science Exploration Centre and a local enterprise to see both the old and new Ningbo.
