School Events

Parents’ Night – 20 Sept 2019

In order to foster a closer co-operation and better communication between parents and school, we held S.2 and S.3 Parents' Night in the Lecture Theatre and G03 Activity Room on 20 September. Parents were cordially invited to attend this important event in order to meet our Vice Principal and Committee Heads and discuss their child's progress with the class teachers.

Student ambassadors take group photo at  the entrance.

Class Rules, Class Logos and School Regulation Quiz

Discipline and Guidance Committee has organized a range of activities to help the S1 students to adapt to their new school life. Activities such as designing class logo, class rules and school regulations quiz were held on Day 6 and Day 12 assembly. We hope they can have a deeper understanding on our school and enjoy an extraordinary school life this year!

Students were working on the design of the class logo.

House AGMs

In order to enrich the school life of our students, House AGMs were held on 17th September, 2019. We hope that all students enjoyed it.

House Pegasus members were having House AGM in the Lecture Theatre.

S.1 Sun Fun Day Camp

The S.1 Sun Fun Day Camps were held on 11th and 19th September, 2019. The S.1 students had a nice day with their class teachers and social workers in Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp.

The students were all focused and concentrated.

Stand By Me - Tea Gathering

Students had their happy tea time gathering with their teacher-mentors in the afternoon of 23 September. They shared their school life in enjoyment. The tea gathering was short, but it was fun while it lasted.

S1 students enjoyed the talk with their teacher-mentor.

Leader Recruitment Day and ECA Recruitment Day

The Leader Recruitment Day and ECA Recruitment Day were successfully held on 9 September and 16 September respectively.Students were encouraged to apply for their favourite Academic and Non-academic Clubs, School Teams or Interest Classes during the recess and lunch recess that day. Counters of different clubs and school teams were set up and the teachers-in-charge and student leaders provided extra information to all interested students. Students were delighted that they were able to enroll for their favourite clubs and school teams.

Students were enrolling different academic clubs during the recess outside the school hall.

Biotechnology Research Team Promotion in School

Since Biotechnology has become one of the major school developments, Dr. CHAN Ka Yee and Mr. CHOW Man Chung promote our new sub-school team - Biotechnology Research Team to all students. All of them are impressed with the new topics and all the activities they can enjoy in school.

Dr. CHAN is introducing PCR technique to students.

11th Sham Shui Po District Outstanding Students' Award Ceremony

The Outstanding Student Award is one of the most recognized awards for secondary schools in Hong Kong. Our students had great opportunities to take part in the competition in last academic year. And it finally comes to the exciting moments to announce the winners. Leung Hiu Tung and Chan Lun Siu attended the 11th Sham Shui Po District Outstanding Students' Award Ceremony on 7th September, 2019.

Chan Lun Siu received the award of Commendable Student (Junior Section).

2019-2020 School Opening Ceremony

The 2019-2020 School Opening Ceremony was held in the school hall on 2 September, 2019. Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, delivered a welcoming address at the ceremony. On behalf of the school and all the staff, he gave a warm welcome to all students.

Our school Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, delivered a welcoming address at the opening ceremony.
