School Events

Creativity Fortnight (Math Department)

The Creativity Fortnight and the TNK Maker Festival were held in March. Students assembled the figures with their creativity. They enjoyed the events so much.

Students using pieces of magnetic strips to assemble the figures. They discussed with their peers during the assembly.

Liberal Studies: The Big Bay Area Quiz Contest

On 10th May, 2019, eight S.1 students were invited to join the 'Mib-Visit to Big Bay Area' organized by the Youththinker Ltd. Students were traveled to Guangzhou by high-speed rail, and visited the Huang Huagang Science Park and Yangcheng Evening News Ltd. in the morning. In the afternoon, they were invited to watch the 'Big-bay Area Quiz Contest', and they were able to learn more about the development of the Big Bay Area and our home country through this visit.

A good experience to travel by high-speed rail.

Math Club: Inter-class competition

On June 4th 2019, all classes participated in the Inter-class competition organised by the Mathematics Club during the Morning Assembly. Students were asked various Mathematics questions including questions about algebra, angles and parallel lines and least common multiple.

2018-2019 Inter-House Basketball Competition

The Inter-House Basketball Competition was held between 6th and 8th May.
For girls, Kabarda House won the champion, Pegasus House got the first runner-up and Leopard House got the second runner-up.
For boys, Kabarda House also won the champion, Pegasus House got the first runner-up and Leopard House got the second runner-up.

Competitors tried their best.

CGC: Career Talk

We're pleased to invite a social worker from The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups to conduct a career talk for our students on 4 June 2019 (Wednesday). The topic is about the future worker. The guest speaker emphasized that the development of technology has changed the nature of jobs nowadays, and he also stated 10 essential skills in workplace.

The guest is introducing himself in front of students

Beijing Study Tour (2018-2019)

All the secondary two students and 19 teachers went on a 5-day Beijing Study Tour between 19 May and 23 May 2019.
Our students and teachers visited the Haotian School and joined their lessons with students there. They also visited the National Museum of China, Imperial Palace, the Great Wall of China to learn more about Chinese History.
Our students had a great time visiting Beijing and felt excited. This tour deepens students' understanding on Chinese history, culture and economy.

We learned Art together. Is my drawing wonderful?

Shine Tak Foundation Hong Kong Secondary School Quiz Competition

Our Chinese History school team members joined a competition which was organized by Shine Tak Foundation Hong Kong School at Maryknoll Secondary School on 18 May 2019. The purpose of joining this competition is to consolidate the basic law knowledge of our school team members. Our team members gained valuable experience from this competition.

Our students were doing registration.

Life-wide Learning Day (Math Department): Science Explorer in HKSTP

3E and 3A students participated in the Science Explorer from HKSTP on 24 May 2019 (Friday). Students had a guided tour in HKSTP and they showed their problem-solving ability in building a LEGO crane with corresponding programming code. They've learnt a lot in the activity that was arranged by the Maths Department.

Students are learning about the scientific principle of the crane.
