School Events

The Basic Law Competition

The Basic Law Competition was held on 22/5/2019. It is a golden opportunity to broaden students' horizons on our city and country. Students showed their passion and knowledge in the Basic Law Q&A session.

The result:
2nd runner-up: House Kabarda
1st runner-up: House Leopard
Champion: House Pegasus


House representatives were preparing for the Basic Law Competition.

Form 1 Inter-class Competition

The result of Form 1 Inter-class Competition has been finalized. Form 1 class representatives joined a riddle game competition on 7th May and they enjoyed it very much.

2nd runner-up: 1C
1st runner-up: 1A & 1D
Champion: 1K


A student helper is explaining the meaning of riddles to NCS students.

Project-based Learning and Graduation Thesis Presentation Day

Our annual Project-based Learning and Graduation Thesis presentation was held on 10th May 2019. All Form 2 and Form 3 students have started preparing for their project since the beginning of the school term. This year, the theme of the Project-based Learning is STEM. Students need to explore some daily life problems and try to solve them with scientific theories.

Our Form 3 students are ready to present their project about online shopping.

Leaders to Leaders workshop - Lucky Iron Fish Cookery Class

As a partner school with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG), a "Leaders to Leaders" workshop and Lucky Iron Fish Cookery Class were held at our school campus with Mr. Cheung Tung Ching, a famous chef. He was invited to introduce the use of Lucky Iron Fish in cooking and the story behind. Sixteen Form 1 to 3 students joined the class and all of them could make a very delicious West Lake Beef Broth with the iron fish which provides lots of iron for the people in poor countries to solve their health problems.

A staff from HKFYG is explaining what a Lucky Iron Fish is to the students.

Joint-school English TSA Mock Oral Practice

A Joint-school English TSA Mock Oral Practice was conducted in Po Leung Kuk Mrs Chan Nam Cheong Memorial Primary School on 4 May, 2019 (Saturday). 17 S.3 student helpers from our school took part in this activity. Our student helpers acted as examiners to give all the Primary 6 students a mock oral practice. We hope that both our students and Primary 6 students can learn a lot after this activity.

Our student helpers are having Mock Oral Assessment with some primary students.

CGC Visit: The Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)

A group of students took part in a visit to the RTHK on May 2, 2019. This is a chance for our students to meet radiobroadcasters and learn more about the daily operation of the RTHK public broadcasting service.

Our students took a photo in front of the entrance of the RTHK Broadcasting House.

Junior Secondary School Activity

Five school Science Team members joined the Junior Secondary School Activity on 4 May, 2019. They had a great time participating in different booths. All students had a memorable moment.

Our student was trying to gather fingerprints.

Wunan Chinese Cutural Study Tour

Wunan Chinese Cultural Study Tour was held from 23rd April to 26th April, 2019. 15 students and 3 teachers visited the ancient city of Fenghuang in Wunan. They had 4 days and 3 nights to enjoy the beautiful view and experienced unforgettable moments in Fenghuang. They can not only know more about the culture in Fenghuang but also have a nice life wide learning experience.

A group photo was taken in ancient city of Fenghuang.
