School Events

Theme of April (2019) in School Library – Poetry

In order to enhance the reading atmosphere in school, the library prepares a series of themed activities every month. The theme of April in 2019 is 'Poetry'. The library organized a Poetic Fans Making activity during lunch recess on April 30. Students were invited to read some beautiful poems from the recommended books and wrote their favourites on the Chinese paper fans.

The boys are writing the poems in different colours.

2019 Retreat Day

Retreat day was successfully held after the Second Term Uniform Test. A talk, song appreciation session, game booths, dodgebee games and reflection were held to promote the importance of appreciation. It was a fruitful day for both students and teachers. We hope that the students have learnt how to appreciate others after participating in this Retreat Day.

Our social worker, Mr Kwan, delivers a talk about appreciation to our students.

2019 World Book Day Fest – Towards a Reading City: Folktaleoscope

Our school was honoured to be invited to hold a game booth in 2019 World Book Day Fest (the Fest) at S.K.H. Holy Trinity Church Secondary School in Ho Man Tin on 27/4.

The Fest is co-organised by the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) and the Education Bureau (EDB) aiming at fostering a sustainable reading atmosphere and culture in the city, nurturing students' reading interest and helping them develop a reading habit.

A group photo of our student librarians to commemorate this special moment.

The TNK Makers Festival

The TNK Makers Festival was held on 23 March, 2019. Different subjects and houses set up their booths around the campus. Besides, a number of workshops and competitions were organised for the visitors, including the House Robotic Football Competition, LED Workshop, Optical Fiber Ornament Design Workshop, etc. Our students enjoyed the activities very much.

Student were very excited during the House Robotic Football Competition.

Chinese Tea Appreciation

In order to cultivate our students' interest in Chinese tea, we went to Heritage Tea House which is located in Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre.

Tea art can cultivate the patience of students.

Sports Chat

A health workshop 'Sports Chat' was held on April 17, 2019. The workshop aimed to provide students with a better understanding on the daily diet and sports for staying healthy. Students joined a talk about nutrition and did some physical exercise. Students had a good time.

Students listened carefully.

English Ambassador - English Social Project Workshop

With the generous support and guidance from the European Mentoring and Coaching Council and GENSUS, "5-in-5 program" ran smoothly with our enthusiastic English Ambassadors. After learning Design Thinking model, they applied what they have learnt to design English social projects for primary students. They presented their social projects ideas in the last session. They have put much effort on doing the project. We hope to see them growing with self-confidence and self-worth after finishing the whole project.

The teacher was introducing a new concept called Design Thinking to the students.

The Good Book Recommendation Talk

On 9 April, the School Library invited Ms. Fan Kien Mei, an experienced teacher, to deliver a good book recommendation talk to Form One and Three students during the assembly session.

Ms. Fan encouraged our students to foster a good reading habit and recommended a tailor-made book list for them. Ms. Fan shared the most interesting part of each book and successfully raised students' interest in reading the books.

Our student is introducing the guest speaker, Ms. Fan Kien Mei.
