School Events

A Visit from Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

We are honored to have Principal Lee and his colleagues from Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College as our visitors on 5 December 2018. The theme of this visit and sharing session is our school campus new renovations and school-based development on e-learning. All of us had a fruitful afternoon.

Here is our classic British-style study room.

MCNEC: Take Action for the Poor

In order to educate the students to give a helping hand to the needy and protect the environment by reusing and recycling, MCNEC organized a donation activity 'Take Action for the Poor' from 20th to 30th November, 2018. The collected materials will be transferred to Christian Action for the needy.

Student from class 2D helped transport the donated items.

"Perseverance" Four-a-side Futsal Competition

Our football team participated in the "Perseverance" Four-a-side Futsal Competition. Facing senior form students from other schools, our students showed no fear against students who might be 3 or 4 years their senior and captured the Silver Cup 2nd Runner-up. The competition was in fact more than just playing for the prize. It was part of a fund-raising initiative for the Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation. We hope our students could also learn from the fighting spirits of athletes who always strive for their best despite their physical disabilities.

We are very focused in defence.

True Light Girls' Invitational Mathematics Contest 2018

The True Light Girls' Invitational Mathematics Contest 2018 was held on 24th November, 2018 (Saturday) in True Light Girls' College. Our school Mathematics Team joined the competition and they tried their best to strive for good results.

Our team members and teachers took a group photo together.

CGC Job Simulation

Classes 2C, 2D, 2K and Classes 3E, 3A, 3B had the Job Simulation Workshop on 23rd November. The students had the opportunity to try different kinds of jobs. They benefited a lot from the job simulation and tried to think more about their life career planning.

Students were learning about accounting during the lesson.

S.1 Health Talk

S.1 students joined a health talk which was held by Hong Kong Eating Disorder Association on 12th November. The topic was about the way of eating healthily. Most of the students enjoyed the talk very much.

Students were interested in the ways of eating healthily.

Mainland Exchange Program for Junior Secondary and Upper Primary students(2018/19) Culture Study Trip to Yangjiang and Kaiping (Three-day trip).

The Business Accounting Department and the Computer Literacy Department organized the Mainland Exchange Programme for Junior Secondary and Upper Primary students (2018/19) Culture Study Trip to Yangjiang and Kaiping from 23rd to 25th November 2018. 81 students from class 2E, 2A and 2B participated in this trip.
On the first day, one of the highlights was the visit to Taishan Xinning Middle School, students in our school enjoyed having a sports competition with local students from Xinning Middle School.

2018-2019 First Uniform Test Prize Presentation Ceremony

The 2018-2019 First Uniform Test Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at the school hall during the morning assembly on 27th November, 2018.

The first, second and third place of each form are:
Form 3: 3B Tsoi Yat San, 3E Ho Lok Man and 3A Tam Pak Yiu
Form 2: 2E Wong Ho Long, 2A Lam Chak Yu and 2A Ma Ka Lok
Form 1: 1D Yip Brian, 1E Leung Tin Long and 1B Ng Chung Hang

Tsoi Yat San from class 3B was awarded the First Position in S.3 by the Principal.
