School Events

MCNEC: A visit to Commissioner’s office of China’s Foreign Ministry

In order to develop our students' interest in Moral, Civil and National Education, an outing activity to Commissioner's office of China's Foreign Ministry was held for all the civic ambassadors on 13 Nov 2018. Students showed their interest in the development of the Commissioner's office of China's Foreign Ministry and the appreciation of the historical relics during the visit. They enjoyed this activity so much.

Students were very concentrated on the talk about ‘The Belt and Road Initiative’ and the future of Hong Kong.

First Term Book Fair (2018-2019)

The first term book fair was organized by the school library from 15 November to 16 November. We aimed at cultivating reading habits among students and establishing atmosphere of reading at school. Different kinds of books were displayed, such as fiction, novel and biography etc. Students could enjoy and read the books that they like. The book fair was a great success since many students came and participated in the event.

Students are reading their favourite books in the book fair.

CGC Visit: The Civil Aviation Department Headquarters

A group of students took part in a visit of the Civil Aviation Department Headquarters on November 7, 2018. They also visited the Civil Aviation Department Education Path in order to learn more about aviation development in Hong Kong and the career paths of being an air traffic controller.

A guide was explaining the operation of the Hong Kong International Airport.

Singapore Outram Secondary School Visit and Academic Exchange

24 students and 4 teachers from Singapore Outram Secondary School visited our school on 12 November 2018. They enjoyed the school tour and the highlight was the friendly match with our school sports team members. Besides, they actively participated in the lesson observations.

A group photo was taken inside Irene Yu Lecture Theatre.

The OUHK Testing and Certification Programme STEM Workshop for Secondary School Teachers

A professional Biotechnology concentrated STEM training was held by the OUHK Science Department on 27 Oct. All of our Science teachers participated in it in order to learn more about the Biotechnology development nowadays and master the Biotechnology laboratory skills. This training helps to facilitate our school's Science teaching and provide a high-quality teaching to our students.

Our teachers were concentrated on the introduction of the STEM workshop (Biotechnology concentration). They were listening very carefully about the procedures and the principles behind the DNA experiment.

Theme of October (2018) in School Library – Horror Series

In order to enhance the reading atmosphere in school, the library will prepare a series of theme activities every month. The theme of October in 2018 was Horror Series. The library prepared two activities - Inter-class Horror Handcraft Competition and Movie Appreciation. The handcrafts made by different classes were in high quality. Class 1B, 2D and 3D were the winners of the competition.

Students were watching the movie 'Maleficent' intently.

2018 Boao Youth Forum for Asia

30 students and 2 teachers joined the 2017 Boao Youth Forum for Asia which was held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The guest speaker gave a meaningful speech to all of us and we have a better idea of how the world goes on.

Students were on the way to the forum.
