School Events

Scout Hiking and Camping Activity

21 scouts went to Hong Kong Youth Hostels Association Brandbury Hall to have a 2-days-1-night hiking and camping activity. They needed to finish a 10km hiking trip and make their own meal. They had a great experience and a joyful trip.

All students took a photo together.

First Term Book Fair

The first term book fair was organized by the school library from 15 November to 16 November. We aimed at cultivating reading habits among students and establishing atmosphere of reading at school. Different kinds of books were displayed, such as fiction, novel and biography etc. Students could enjoy and read the books that they liked. The book fair was a great success since many students came and participated in the event.

Students are reading their favourite books in the book fair.

A Seminar for Parents and S3 Students - Preparation on promoting to SFC

A seminar about 'Preparation on promoting to SFC ' was held on 8 November, 2017 for all S3 students and parents. Ms Ng, the Vice Principal of SFC and Ms Kwan, the Careers Mistress of SFC gave an introduction and important reminders regarding the promotion to S4 in SFC in 18-19 and sharing on further studies.

Ms Ng, the Vice-principal of SFC, is giving an introduction about SFC.

Scout Promise Day

The Kowloon 126th Scout, Venture Scout and Rover Scout finished their Promise Day last Saturday. Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki supervised the whole ceremony.

Principal Wong Chung Ki was presenting the Senior Patrol Leader Badge to Yung Mo Kin (a KTC student).

The 14th Parent Teacher Association Annual General Meeting

The 14th Parent Teacher Association Annual General Meeting was held at the school hall on 3 November, 2017. All principals, teachers and over 60 parents of all forms (S1 - S3) joined the meeting. The event began with the Principal's speech, followed by a report on President's duty and PTA's financial situation, a talk about school health programme and the election of new parent committees for the coming year.

 The Principal and the PTA President monitored the process of counting of votes for new parent committees of the PTA of the coming year.

Civil Aid Service New Cadets Posting Ceremony

Civil Aid Service New Cadets Posting Ceremony for Form 1 students was successfully held in early November. The students were happy to celebrate the success with guests, Civil Aid Service trainers, parents and teachers. They have completed a series of foot drilling and theory training sessions in Civil Aid Service Headquarters and school campus respectively since late August. The training sessions provide ample opportunities for them to be independent, to have self-growth and to raise the leadership ability and team spirit.

All new cadets, trainers and parents are ready for the posting ceremony.

JA It's My Business!

JA It's My Business! Program offers students a valuable opportunity to learn from the stories of successful entrepreneurs. Under the guidance of business volunteers, students learn about entrepreneurship through a series of activities, including Entrepreneur Quiz Show, Teen Club Blueprint, Business Plan and Personal Profile Cards.

Students assemble at Ho Man Tin MTR station.

2017 Boao Youth Forum for Asia

31 students came from the Creative Thinking Team, Odyssey of the Mind Competition Team and Science School Team attended the 2017 Boao Youth Forum for Asia. They had a great opportunity to learn from all the guest speakers.

All students took a photo together.

Sham Shui Po District Reading Promotion Scheme 2017 Book Purchase Activity

This year, our school was invited to join the Sham Shui Po District Reading Promotion Scheme 2017 Book Purchase Activity. Twelve students were selected to join this meaningful activity that was held on 1 November at the Commercial Press in Tsim Sha Tsui. With the $280 sponsor for each student, our students enthusiastically picked their favourite books in the store.

Participants are taking a group photo with their books in front of the book store.
