School Events

3D Printing Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony

The 3D Printing Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on 26 Sept ,2017.

Two school teams from the Creativity Development Program have participated in the 3D Printing Competition held by HKPC last year and won the Guinness World Record for our school.

Team A :




2E Chek Yip Long

Team A were awarded the 3D printing pens and the certificate of the Guinness World Record by our Principal.

Leader Recruitment Day and ECA Recruitment Day

The Leader Recruitment Day and ECA Recruitment Day was sucessfully held on 5 September and 18 September .

Students were encouraged to apply for their favourite Academic and Non-academic Clubs, School Teams or Interest Classes in the school hall during the lunch recess on that day.

Students showed their interest in the Taekwondo Class.

2017 Canada Study Tour

Between 19 July and 31 July 2016, ten of our junior form students went on a 12-day study tour in Vancouver, Canada. Accompanied by 2 teachers, our students experienced the study life in a local school, the Vancouver International College (VIC) and also joined some local tours during that period. The students were totally immersed in the Canada culture and boost their English in an authentic context. They demonstrated tremendous resilience and adaptability throughout the tour.

We visited the University of Columbia.

Promotion of the Kuk's spirit

Interesting activities for the promotion of the Kuk's spirit have been organized by PCCC on 20 September, 2017 during the lunch recess. Students participated actively in different kinds of activities.

Students have a better understanding of the Kuk's spirit through playing the games.

Leopard House AGM 2017-2018

The Annual General Meeting of Leopard House was held in the Student Activity Room on 19 September, 2017. We are glad to see that the committee members were well-prepared for the AGM.

The Leopard House Advisor and Vice House Advisor are supporting the House Committee.

S.1 Sun Fun Day Camps

The S.1 Sun Fun Day Camps were held on 7 and 12 September, 2017. The S.1 students had a nice day with their class teachers and social workers in Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre.

Let's take a photo!

2017-2018 School Opening Ceremony

The 2017-2018 School Opening Ceremony was held in the school hall on 1 September, 2017. Our Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, delivered a welcoming address at the ceremony. On behalf of the school and all the staff, he gave a warm welcome to all students.

Our school Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, delivered a welcoming address at the opening ceremony.

3D Printing Prize Presentation Ceremony 2016-2017

The 3D Printing Prize Presentation Ceremony was held at the Central Government Office on 16 July, 2017.

Three students representing our Creativity School Teams attended the 3D Printing Prize Presentation Ceremony held by HKPC last year and received the Guinness World Record for our school.

Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR was invited to the prize presentation ceremony.

S.1 Job Simulation

The S.1 Job Simulation Workshop was held in July, 2017. The S.1 students had a taste on their dream jobs in order to understand about the job duties more.

Students were listening to the teacher's introduction on how to be an engineer.
