School Events

The 18th Annual Sports Day of Our School

Thanks to the keen support of all the parents, teachers and staff, the 18th Annual Sports Day of our school was succeffully held on 1st April 2016. It achieved the aims of enjoying sports, maximizing students' potential, and most importantly, nuturing healthy lifestyle. The sports day provided everyone with an invaluable and meaningful experience. Looking forward to our 19th Annual Sports Day next year.

I believe I can fly! Hiu-hong, jump as far as he can!

2015-2016 Dialogue in the Dark

A visit to Dialogue in the Dark (DiD) was held on March 22, 2015. The visit aimed to provide students with a better understanding of the difficulties of the visually impaired. Groups of 8 students were taken into a completely dark venue for a period of 75 minutes, followed by a debriefing session conducted by a DiD staff and the visually impaired tour guide. The message 'Sight is what we see with our eyes; Insight is what we gain without seeing.' was brought to students.

The instructor explaining the precautions of the activity.

Creativity Fortnight - Maths & Science

During the Creativity Fortnight, Mathematics and Science Departments have jointly organized a lunch-time activity aiming at promoting Healthy Lifestyle to our students.

At the counter of Mathematics, students tried to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) according to the given height and weight of a person.

Prefect Leadership Training Camp

Prefect Leadership Training Camp was held in early March. The camp aims to train the leadership of the prefects and enhance their team spirit. They've learnt to build up the team spirit through games. Besides, they had a chance to cook for themselves with their peers and climbed the trees. They enjoyed the camp very much.

Creativity Fortnight - Healthy lifestyle

In order to enhance all the students' creativity and to encourage students to explore, our school organized a series of activities during lunchtime and class periods. What makes our creativity fortnight so special is that each activity is delivered by different departments. Some of the activities promoted the message of healthy life such as zentanagles drawing and herbal tea workshops. Some promoted the nature of Hong Kong as students watched the video about the landscape in Hong Kong.

Po Leung Kuk Leadership and Discipline Training Camp Passing Out Ceremony cum Sharing Forum

In order to enhance the leadership ability, sense of responsibility and team spirit among students, Po Leung Kuk provides all affiliated schools (secondary schools) a 4-Day-3-Night Leadership Training Camp. This gives opportunities for students to be independent and to have self-development. Our school organized the activity for all Form 3 students from 22nd Jan-25th Jan.

F.3 students are performing marching in the ceremony in order to demonstrate the learning outcomes of the leadership camp.

Joyful Fruit Week

The anual Joyful Fruit Week was held successfully this year from 7 March to 11 March. This event aims at raising the students' awareness about the importance of fruits and healthy lifestyle. Students participated actively in all the activities.

Students are trying to put the fruits together with a stick.

Experience EMI Learning Day

The Experience EMI Learning Day was held on 12 March, 2016 (Saturday). P.5 and P.6 students were invited to experience having lessons that use English as the medium of instruction. Besides the EMI lesson experience (Mathematics, Geography and History), a 3D Design and printing workshop and some Science and English activities were also prepared for the students. The participants enjoyed the day a lot.

Students are trying out 3D Design and printing with the help of our student helpers.
