School Events

S3 Parents' Talk 3

The 3rd S.3 Parents' Talk was held at the college on 17th February 2023. Careers Guidance Committee invited a guest speaker from VTC to give a presentation about multiple pathways after the completion of S3 study. The parents and students gained more information about future study. In general, the talk was very informative!

Mr. Ma, the career master, introduced the rundown of the third S3 Parents' Talk to parents and students.

22nd Basic Law and One Country Two System Online Quiz Competition

Chinese History Club members joined in the "Basic Law and One Country Two System Online Quiz Competition" on 24th February 2023. The competition was organized by ZhongShan university Law Faculty Hong Kong Students Association Limited.

The purpose behind participating in aforesaid competition is to familiarize our students more with the contents of Basic Law and One Country Two System. Our students had an outstanding performance and have received a number of awards in this competition.

Student focused on reading the study materials in preparation for the competition.

S3 Life-planning Education Enrichment Programme 2022-2023

On 4th January 2023 and 15th February 2023, the Life-planning Education Enrichment Programme was held by CGC for S3 students. As S3 students need to choose elective subjects studying next year, the content of the workshops was related to their future studies and jobs. The tutors guided the students to think about the future. Most students found the event useful to them!

The tutor told the students what requirements they should fulfil to study the elective subjects.

Alumni Sharing 2022-2023

On 13th February 2023, CGC organised an alumni sharing session for our S3 students. 15 alumnus came to introduce the curriculum of different elective subjects and share their experiences on selecting elective subjects. Our S3 students were very active asking many questions about the elective subjects. Through this sharing session, both alumnus and our S3 students gained a great experience expressing their feelings regarding the subject selection.

Mr. Ma, the career master of TNK, was briefing the alumnus, S5 students from SFC on the details of the sharing session.

PTA Parent's Talk and Joint-school Sharing Session

In order to enhance stusents' capabilities to self-learn and help parents exert a positive influence on their children, the PTA organized a talk "LPD Effective Study Skill" delivered by EDIT Workshop on 19/2 the Parents' Day. After the talk, there was sharing session with Joint-school PTA on consolidating communication and cooperation between parents and PTAs of the two school. More than 50 families participated in the talk, the parents and students gained more information about study methods and skills.

Visit cultural heritage of Tai O

Chinese History department organized the activities for the students in 18 February 2023. The theme of the learning activity was named "Cultural Study Field of Tai O".

The aim of Chinese History department to organize this learning activity is to make our students awareness of the history of Tai O and make the student respect of Cultural heritage of Tai O. Without the doubt, the students gained a valuable opportunity in understanding the history of Tai O through this study field.

Students arrived at the destination.

S3 Parents' Talk 2

The 2nd S.3 Parents' Talk was held at the college on 9th February 2023. The colleagues from Po Leung Kuk Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College were invited to introduce the information of the elective subjects offered in S4. Parents and S3 students were listening to the talk at the hall. Both parents and students were satisfied as they received the useful information through the talk. Overall, the event was very informative.

Teachers from KTC shared the information of the elective subjects offered in S4

Staff development day - Teachers STEM taster program

A STEM teacher taster workshop was held on the staff development day on 3/2/2023.
The workshop was about Human body sensing AI (Pictoblox) conducted by the staff development team teachers, and all teachers have succeeded to create a simple program of facial recognition.

Staff development team conducting the workshop.

Staff Development Day - Talk on Technology Advancement by Seve Studio

A talk on Technology Advancement by Seve Studio was conducted on the staff development day on 3/2/2022.

Miss Yeung from Seve studio shared their on-the-edge products in many aspects such as farming, education, finance and jewellery, etc. Professor Wong shared his view of the on-going society and his perspective on the trend of technology advancement in the coming future.

Miss Yeung Seve studio shared their on-the-edge products in many aspects such as farming, education, finance, jewellery, etc.
