School Events

'Stand By Me' Tea Time Gathering

A tea time gathering between teachers and S.1 students organized by the Discipline & Counseling Committee was held on 30th September, 2015 (Wednesday). Both the teachers and the students had a great chance chatting with each other in a relaxing atmosphere.

1P students are having an enjoyable time with their class teacher, Ms. Wong.

Tin Shui Mid-Autumn Festival Carnival

The school Wind Orchestra was invited to perform in the "Tin Shui Mid-Autumn Festival Carnival" on 26th September, 2015. The Brass Ensemble performed a Japanese piece and it was well-received by the audience.

A japanese brass ensemble piece is being performed in the occasion.

ECA Recruitment Day

The Extracurricular Activities (ECA) Recruitment Day was successfully held on 25th September. Students were encouraged to apply for their favourite Academic and Non-academic Clubs, School Teams or Interest Classes in the school hall during the lunch recess on that day. Booths of different clubs and school teams were set up and the Teacher-in-charge and student leaders provided extra information to all interested students. Students were delighted that they were able to enroll in their favourite clubs and school teams.

The Teachers-in-charge was explaining the details of the activities to the student.

F.1 Sun Fun Day (1C, 1D & 1E)

Students from 1C, 1D, and 1E enjoyed a memorable session with classmates and teachers in the Sun Fun Day activities which held on 10th September 2015. The activities aimed at building supportive relationships among classmates and teachers. We have achieved a great success with teachers' and students' participation.

Students are participating in the activities enthusiastically.

F.1 Sun Fun Day (1P, 1A & 1B)

Students from 1P, 1A, and 1B enjoyed a memorable session with classmates and teachers in the Sun Fun Day activities which held on 8th September 2015. The activities aimed at building supportive relationships among classmates and teachers. We have achieved a great success with teachers' and students' participation.

Students are listening to the instruction attentively.

School Opening Ceremony

In the morning of 1st September, 2015, the opening ceremony had been held at our school hall. Our school Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, addressed the ceremony enthusiastically. On behalf of our school, he gave a warm welcome to our F.1 students and a brief introduction of school staff.

Our school Principal, Mr. Wong Chung Ki, addressed the ceremony enthusiastically.

Japan Study Tour 2014-2015

A 4-day-3 night Japan study tour was held in last summer. Three teachers and fifteen students went to Osaka and Kyoto, Japan. Students visited Yasaka Shrine and Kiyomiza-dera. They discovered the differences in the architechtural style of the Japanese shrines with Chinese temples. They also experienced Japanese tea ceremony, cup noodles DIY and octopus ball DIY. After visiting Maishima Incineration Plant, they thought it would be great if we could have a same Plant in Hong Kong. They were excited in shopping in Japan, too.

Can you identify our students and the Japanese ladies?

S.1 Orientation and Parents' Day

The S.1 Orientation and Parents' Day was held on 23rd August, 2015. The aim of the Orientation Day was to build up a mutual relationship between class teachers and students in order to help the new students adapt to the new secondary school life. In addition, parents could get a general idea about the school policy, academic requirements and extra-curricular activities in this academic year.

Our Vice Principal, Ms. Siu is introducing the staff on the stage.
