School Events

20th Anniversary Celebration Cum Unveiling Ceremony of TNK Milestones 9-12-2017

The 20th Anniversary Celebration Cum Unveiling Ceremony of TNK Milestones (History Gallery & Contour Wall Painting) was held on 9th December, 2017 (Saturday). Professor Yung H. Wong, Ph.D., the Chair Professor and Associate Head, Division of Life Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology was invited to officiate at the Ceremony.

Miss Abbie S.K. Chan, Chairman of Po Leung Kuk, is delivering a welcome address.

20th Anniversary Open Day 10-12-2017

The 20th Anniversary Open Day was held on 10th December, 2017 (Sunday). Display boards for various subjects, an admission talk, a genuine discussion with the principals and a campus tour were arranged. All student helpers from TNK and SFC actively participated in introducing the school to the public.

Ms Leung Pui Fan, the Assistant Principal of TNK, is introducing the school in the admission talk.

School Picnic Day

The school picnic was scheduled on 10 November this year.

All Form 1 students went to Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp on that day. Surrounded by hills and trees, the campsite is a fantastic spot for students to enjoy the natural environment. Apart from that, students also took full advantage of the recreational facilities there.

Form 1 students enjoyed the recreational facilities of the campsite.

HKSSF Basketball Competition (Boys B Grade)

2017-2018 HKSSF Basketball Competitions (Boys B Grade) has been started since November. This year, we have 10 sunny and active boys in the team. Everybody is now ready to face all challenges. We wish them a brilliant result in this school year.

2017-2018 PLKTNKJSC Basketball Team (Boys B Grade)

Green Talk

In order to arouse the awareness of the students towards the carbon footprints of human, a speaker from Friends of the Earth was invited to give a Green talk for S1 and S2 students.

Students were paying attention to what the speaker was talking about the carbon footprints of human.

Life-Wide Learning Day (Computer Literacy)

36 students went to Hong Kong Science Park to have a half day to know more about the ECO Technology and Optic Fiber Technology. They had a great experience and a joyful trip.

Students learned about Professor Charles K. Kao's accomplishments.

Assembly talk (One country two systems and The basic law)

An assembly period for S1 and S2 students was held in the school hall on the topics of 'one country two systems' and the basic law. The talk proved to be very useful as students learnt about the background and history of the issues concerned and their implications for Hong Kong and its citizens today.

Students were concentrated during the talk.
