School Events

Food Science Talk and Workshop

In order to let students know more about Food Science, a team of THEi staff was invited to come to our school to provide a talk and workshop for our S3 students on 24th June (Life Wide Learning Day). Students learnt about natural colouring and made coloured pasta in the workshop. It is a fun learning day for the students.

Students are listening attentively in the Food Science Talk.

MCNEC and S&C: Board exhibition of Hong Kong National Security Law

To promote the understanding of national security, MCNEC and S&C organized a related board exhibition from 6th June to 14th June. Students have acquired the knowledge of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the conditions of the motherland nowadays from this activity.

The exhibition boards were placed outside our school hall.

Whole School Community Service Learning (Class 3B, 3C and 3F)

To facilitate positive development and unleash potential of our students, Class 3B, 3C and 3F participated in a Service Learning Activity on 21 June, 2022. Due to the pandemic, the activity was conducted in online mode. They have had a chance to communicate with the disabled people from Sham Shui Po Integrated Rehabilitation Centre. It is a great opportunity for our students to learn how to organise an activity and communicate with the disabled people.

Whole School Community Service Learning (Class 1B, 1D and 1E)

To facilitate positive development and unleash potential of our students, Class 1B, 1D and 1E participated in a Service Learning Activity on 17 June, 2022. Due to the pandemic, the activity was conducted in online mode. Our students have designed some activities for the children from Tin Ka Ping Harmony Land for Families. Through the activity, our students have learnt how to organise an activity and communicate with the children. Both our students and the children had a great time and found the activity very rewarding.

Whole School Community Service Learning (Class 1A, 1C and 1F)

To facilitate positive development and unleash potential of our students, Class 1A, 1C and 1F participated in a Service Learning Activity on 16 June, 2022. Due to the pandemic, the activity was conducted in online mode. Our students have designed some activities for the children from Tin Ka Ping Harmony Land for Families. Through the activity, our students have learnt how to organise an activity and communicate with the children. Both our students and the children had a great time.

The 11th Young Financial Planners Programme - Meeting the Financial Secretary

Our students, 3A Fong Ying Sum, 3A Ip Choi Chu and 3A Yeung Wai Kiu participated in this programme, they received trainings and cooperated with other 47 secondary schools to design a proposal about their opinions towards the 2022-2023 Budget. They were selected to meet the Financial Secretary. Ip Choi Chu was further selected to be one of the representatives to express opinions in the meeting.

Selfie with the Financial Secretary

18th PTA Special General Meeting

PTA Special General Meeting was held on 13th May 2022 through online meeting. The voting on the amendment of Election Guidelines of Parent Manager by adding "If only one candidate stands for election, that candidate will be automatically elected as the parent manager, and an alternate parent manager will be elected at a by-election. If there is only one candidate for the alternate parent manager by-election, that candidate will be automatically elected as the alternate parent manager." was completed and passed.

PTA Special General Meeting was held on 13th May 2022.

T.N.K. Drama Team win Prizes in HKSDF

Tong Nai Kan Drama Team has won an Award for Outstanding Cooperation in Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2021-2022. Our drama was a delightful and amusing piece about a robotic teacher who teaches unruly students moral values and earnestness. Congratulations to winners of Awards of Outstanding Performer Gurung Samir and Limbu Nugay Hang Pahim who enlivened the story of the AI teacher and his naughty disciple.

This student was preparing for the drama performance in an earnest manner.

Mental Health Workshop for Teachers

To promote mental health amongst students and to enhance support for students with mental health needs, the Mental Health Workshop for Teachers was held on 27 April 2022 afternoon. Our school educational psychologist, Donna, gave us a talk on identification of at-risk students, symptoms of anxiety and depression, prevention of self-harm and suicide in school, etc. Video sharing and case discussion were arranged, the workshop came to an end with a fruitful result and teachers’ awareness of mental health and suicide was raised.
