School Events

Lunch Booth game: Positive Psychology

On 6 October 2023, Po Leung Kuk (Student Support Services) collaborated with the Discipline Guidance Committee and the Moral, Civic and National Education Committee to promote "Positive Psychology". Different booth games were organized for students to relieve their stress in a fun way. Students enjoyed the activities and the moment playing with their classmates.

A student was reading the information about the positive psychology and doing the mini quiz game.

S1 Freshman Orientation

The S1 Freshman Orientation Day Camp was a resounding success! Held in the school hall, students participated in engaging team building activities and had the chance to meet their new classmates. It was a fantastic start to the academic year, fostering a sense of unity and excitement among the students.

National Education Talk: Our Country’s Diplomacy

On 19 September 2023, Moral, Civic & National Education Committee (MCNEC) invited Mr. Liu Ping, Third Secretary of the information and public relations unit of the Commissioner’s Office of China’s Foreign Ministry in the Hong Kong S.A.R to give a national education talk. The topic was ‘Our Country’s Diplomacy’. It aimed at enriching students' knowledge and concept about the practice of our country’s diplomacy.

Principal, Mr. Wong extended a warm welcome to our guest, Mr. Liu Ping.

S2 & S3 Parent’s Night 2023-24

On 15th September, 2023, the school organised the annual Parents' Night for Form 2 and 3 students and parents. Different school policies, including promotion criteria for students, homework policy, BYOD, career and guidance as well as exchange programs, were introduced to parents. After the introduction, parents were invited to have a conversation with class teachers. Overall, parents found the Parents' Night meaningful.

Parents arrive at the school hall participating the annual Parents’ Night.

TNK Staff Union 2023-2024 - Roasted pig cutting ceremony

The TNK Staff Union organized a Roasted Pig cutting ceremony on the first day of school (4/9/2023). All teachers and staff were invited to the event. We all came to connect with each other and enjoyed the vibrant moment in this special event.

The principals took a picture together with the roasted pig for school opening.

MakeX Robotics Competition 2023 Asian Intercontinental Tournament Thailand

As winner of the Hong Kong round competition, our Robotics Team is proud to be representing Hong Kong in the MakeX Robotics Competition 2023 Asian Intercontinental Tournament Thailand. During the 3-day competition in Bangkok, two teams of students competed against representatives from the Mainland China, Korea and Thailand. Among the 71 teams, the alliance of our teams ranked 15th in the final round. They have gained invaluable experiences from the Tournament and will be ready to compete against teams around the world again in the upcoming World Finals.

Our students are ready for the competition!

STEM Summer Programme for Gifted Students

Departments under the Faculty of STEM jointly arranged a cross-curricular STEM Summer Programme for our gifted students. Under this year's theme "Smart Greenhouse", students learnt about scientific theories related to the growth of plants, such as photosynthesis, water absorption, and effects of different wavelengths through various experiments. They also learnt how to programme different sensors which can be used to monitor the environment in the smart greenhouse.

Students are doing an experiment to study the properties of light.

Silver Jubilee School Musical 2022-23

On 21st July 2023, the school celebrated its silver jubilee with a school musical. Principals and students were invited to the musical. The event started with Principal Wong’s welcome address. It was followed by a video about a wonderful dimensional travelling story of our alumnus and pianist Ms. Lam Yin Yu, Vicky, returning to her alma mater TNK. After the video, our students of the Drama Team showcased their talents by acting, singing, and dancing throughout the event. The vivid portrayal of characters impressed the audience.

Principal Wong gives a welcome address to the audience.

Joint School STEAM Motorboat

To expose students to more integrated use of STEM knowledge, the Academic and Staff Development Committee and the Faculty of STEM has joined hands to organise the Joint School STEAM Motorboat Competition 2023. By facilitating students from participating schools in their creation, testing and racing of the motorboats, our students have learnt how to utilise science theories into practice and solve problems along the way.

Our student trainers assisted participating students in their making of motorboat.
