School Events

Congratulations to students winning in English story-telling competition

It is our honour to congratulate the students winning in the English story-telling competitions final held by Educational Development Association of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Bay Area. Our school has also won the most enthusiastic participation in the competitions among all. The students gained a precious and valuable experience in their learning process which were assets to them too. Throughout such an encounter, not only can students establish friendship among themselves, but they also have boosted their self-esteem well.

1A Andrea Ho has won the Merit award in story-telling competition.

MCNEC Assembly: Green Life

The external organization held a talk on the topic of green living and how to avoid food waste. The talk lasted for about one hour and students attended were from form 2. The lecture started with the teacher's introduction of food standards around the world, and the students spoke enthusiastically and expressed their opinions about the discarded food. After that, the teacher introduced the current situation of food waste in Hong Kong and asked the students to share their stories about the food waste they saw.

The teacher was introducing the categories about food waste.

Science MAKER fortnight: Try the 25th

In order to enrich students’ experience in Science and creativities, our school organised a competition during the MAKER fortnight. Students designed the complete circuits with different shapes using metal wires. Overall speaking, students enjoyed the MAKER fortnight activity arranged by Science Team. Winners from 1A, 2A and 3A are chosen by all the students and teachers.

The students were thinking of a creative design.

S1 Chinese Cultural Talk

In order to raise students’ awareness of the Chinese cultural and widen their horizons in learning the uniqueness and diversity of the Chinese culture, the school organised a talk for all form 1 students on 9th February 2023 and the school invited the guest Mr TSANG Tak-sing, GBS, JP who was formerly Secretary for Home Affairs of Hong Kong SAR Government (2007 to 2015).

Our school principal issued Certificate of Appreciation to Mr TSANG Tak-sing,GBS, JP.

2022-23 1st Term Maker Prize Presentation Ceremony

The 1st Term Maker Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on 24th March, 2023. We would like to grab this opportunity to congratulate our outstanding students who have achieved highly participation in the Maker Fortnight and Maker Festival. Students participated in wide ranging activities, including ITS Calculation, Science – Try the 25th, Math – Rubik’s Cube and the Easter egg design. In Secondary 1, we are proud to announce that the first position goes to class 1B. In Secondary 2, the first position is awarded to class 2E.

The S1 first position goes to class 1B

Maker Fortnight: Science Department

In preparation for the Maker Festival on 18th March, the Department of Science and Science club prepared a workshop “Try the 25th” on 13th March to teach students how to make a buzz wire game, the designs were put to a voting during the Maker festival. Students were also able to play with a giant version of the game prepared by the Department of Science during the festival.

A group making their buzz wire game

2022-2023 Silver Jubilee Charity Bazaar cum CoolSTEMaker Festival

To mark the 25th anniversary of Tong Nai Kan Junior Secondary College, the Charity Bazaar cum CoolSTEMaker Festival was held on 18th March. Various subjects Booths were set up on the G/F of the school campus for students to take part in the activities by the subject booths to raise funds for the charity bazaar. 

Speeding up hydrogen peroxide chemical reactions to trigger the reaction of thermal decomposition from a liquid flask to raise interest in students to take science subjects

3-day Bio-tech Tasting Programme (March)

In March, our school invited students from Po Leung Kuk Chan Yat Primary School to join the 3-day Bio-tech Tasting Programme. In 3 weeks of time, students were introduced the basic concepts related to microorganisms, DNA & RNA and genetics. They even had chances to observe cells, conduct experiments and even extract DNA from strawberries, etc. In the end, most students from the primary school were delighted and said that they learnt a lot!

The participants are listening to the introduction of microorganisms.

Maker Fortnight and Maker Festival : Maths Club

As the Maker Festival was held on 18 March 2023, Maths club prepared two activities - Rubik's Cube Competition and Fun with 3D model making, for the students. To make sure students understand the rules of the Rubik's Cube Competition, a workshop was held in the Lecture Theatre. The representatives of each class participated in the workshop and enjoyed challenging their best time to prepare for their competition.
