School Events

Visiting the School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong

It was pleased that our students got the opportunity to learn from the students at the School of Biological Sciences of the University of Hong Kong. The university students introduced the topic of their research project to our students. They also demonstrated some of the experimental processes and introduced the basic theory of the project. Our students were excited to learn the new knowledge and experimental techniques through this visit.

Students visited the School of Biological Sciences of the University of Hong Kong in August 2021.

Biotalent Junior Scientists Training Programme by DreamTec Limited

Two members of Biotechnology research team participated in Biotalent Junior Scientists Training Programme organized by DreamTec Limited this summer. Students learnt about the idea of stem cells and conducted experiments on related topics. Our students were pleased to have this opportunity to work in a commercial company to know more about the science industries in Hong Kong. Students could enhance their interest on science through participating in this biotechnology internship programme.

Two members of Biotechnology research team participated in Biotalent Junior Scientists Training Programme this summer.

54th Joint School Science Exhibition

Our Biotechnology Research Team joined the 54th Joint School Science Exhibition Proposal Competition and was qualified to enter the 54th Joint School Science Exhibition in August 2021. The theme of this year was 'Inspiring in Science. Seeking for Balance.' Our students presented their project 'Biodegradation of polyethylene and polystyrene by Superworms' in the exhibition to share the idea of how to degrade plastic waste to protect the environment.

Our Biotechnology Research Team joined the exhibition.

Positive Sports Education Programme

Positive Sports Education Programme was held from 26 July to 6 August. It was a programme where students got opportunities for self-development. There were cooperation training, swimming training, and adventure-based challenges where S1-3 participants realised their potentials. The programme came to an end with fruitful results as most participants think the programme did boost up their confidence and enhance resilience.

Our students participating in adventure-based training with a lot of concentration.

Smart-Family Fun Design Competition

Our students participated in a STEM event - Smart-Family Fun Design Competition organized by THE HUB, sponsored by the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme 2020. They introduced their Smart-mirror Raspberry Pi Project and helped in different game counters to promote STEM to the visitors. They all enjoyed the activity and shared their fruitful experience in STEM to the primary school students.

Student introduced their Smart-mirror Raspberry Pi Project.

Jennifer Yu Cheng Girls Impact Foundation Summer Camp

18 of our Form 2 girls have spent a fruitful week with students from 7 other PLK Secondary Schools in the Summer Camp organized by Jennifer Yu Cheng Girls Impact Foundation. The 6-day program aimed to equip girls to be future ready leader. Through the coding sessions, our girls got to learn one of the most important skills needed in the future. They attended sharing sessions delivered by successful female leaders in various fields, offering them invaluable insights and inspiration.

Participants have a photo with guests at the opening sharing session. (Photo Credit: JYCGIF)

Parent-child STEM Workshop with PLK Dr. Jimmy Wong Chi-Ho (Tin Sum Valley) Primary School

Our school has welcomed 15 pairs of parents and children from PLK Dr. Jimmy Wong Chi-Ho (Tin Sum Valley) Primary School to join a 2-day STEM workshop. In the program, our gifted students from science team and technology team have served as instructors to teach the participants how to make their own UVC light sanitizers. Our students also delivered knowledge behind so that the participants could know more about virus and bacteria, and the theory behind disinfection.

All participants take home happily with their own hand-made sanitizer.

S2 Job Simulation

In order to help Form 2 students to understand more about their career paths, a job simulation programme was held on 30th June, 2021. Throughout the job simulation activities, students were asked to perform duties related to various occupations such as pastry chefs, news reporters and kindergarten teachers. Most students actively engaged in the event.

This student successfully made a fake buttercream flower with the use of clay.

S1 Job Simulation

In order to help Form 1 students to understand more about their career paths, a job simulation programme was held on 30th June, 2021. On the job simulation day, students were asked to carry out duties related to various occupations such as pastry chefs, photographers and practitioners of the Chinese medicine. Most students participated actively in the event. 

Students successfully made buttercream flowers with the use of clay.
