School Events

L.S. & Geography Department: Create Your District 2019

5 students from class 2E joined the "Create Your District Competition 2019", organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. The targeted district for this year is Tsim Sha Tsui. A briefing session and a guided tour were provided for the participants on 14th July, 2019.

The briefing session was held in Tsim Sha Tsui District Kaifong Welfare Association Assembly Hall.

Visit to HKSTP - 5-day STEAM Program

17 students were invited to participate in the 5-day STEAM program organized by the school in order to explore their potential in STEAM sector. They showed their problem-solving ability by using LEGO to build multiple models with appropriate programming in HKSTP on 11 July 2019.

Students are learning about the scientific principle of engineering from the teacher in HKSTP.

Parents' Talk, Joint-school Sharing Session and Tea-time Gathering

In order to help parents to have more understanding on emotions, stress and anxiety of students, a talk about dealing with stress was delivered by Mr. Kwan Kai Cheung, our School Social Worker, on the Parents' Day on 7 July 2019. A Joint-school sharing session and tea-time gathering were held after the talk so as to facilitate the communication between parents, our school and P.L.K. Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College.

Our school social worker, Mr Kwan Kai Cheung, shows his concerns on the emotions of students nowadays.

2018-2019 Form 3 Graduation Party

The 2018-2019 Form 3 Graduation Party was held on 5th July. It was a memorable time for all form three students to express their thankfulness and gratitude to all their teachers and parents. All classes had great performances in their party, including singing, dancing and taekwondo demonstration. Our principal delivered a precious speech to all the F.3 graduates and wish them to have the excellent journey in the future.

Students were excited while they were waiting for the show.

2018-2019 Joint School STEAM Motorboat Competition

The 2018-2019 Joint School STEAM Motorboat Competition was successfully held from 3 to 4 July 2019. As the organizer of the competition, we also invited 5 other secondary and primary schools to join the activity. They are:

1) Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College
2) Po Leung Kuk Ngan Po Ling College
3) Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) Primary School
4) Po Leung Kuk Lam Man Chan English Primary School
5) Po Leung Kuk Ho Sau Nan Primary School

Participants from our school are cooperating with participants from Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) Primary School.

3-day Biotechnology Tasting Programme

In order to promote the implementation of the Biotechnology Education in our school, the Science Department organized a 3-day tasting programme and invited primary students to have a trial before they enter into the secondary school. The programme includes the introduction of Biotechnology, micro-organisms, DNA & RNA, and DNA electrophoresis and the theory of DNA fingerprinting, which is widely used in forensic science. In this programme, primary students are able to use Bunsen burner, Microscope and Micropipette in a proper way.

Student helpers teach guest students how to use the microscope.

S.1 Anti-drug Talk and Health Tests

Under the Healthy School Scheme, an anti-drug talk and health tests were held on 8th July for all F.1 students. A series of health tests like height measuring, weighing, BMI measurement, balancing exercise, etc. were arranged for students to check how healthy they are. Then an anti-drug talk was given by Ms. Lee, a nurse from Po Leung Kuk Student Support Services. Game booths were also organized for students to learn more about the harm of drugs to our health.

Students are doing a series of health tests in the program.

Study Tour to Fujian (LS & Chinese History)

Around 40 Form 3 students went on a 4-day tour to Fujian to know more about the history, culture and the Maritime Silk Road. In the tour, students knew more about the history and current development of Fujian as a major hub on the Maritime Silk Road. Through the visit to museum and attending a lecture at the Huaqiao University, students have gained new knowledge about how Fujian became an important city of trade on the sea.

Students are excited to set off the tour at the High-speed Railway Station.

Personal Growth Training Camp - Follow-up Day Camp

The Personal Growth Training Camp follow-up day camp for F.3 students was held successfully in late June. The training camp aimed at equipping students for their upcoming senior secondary school life. There were various team building tasks and evaluation sessions to enhance students' leadership ability, team spirit and resilience. Students and class teachers had a fruitful and memorable day.

Class teacher is willing to take the challenge with students.
